Disastrous summer for farmers: Climate change “hits” the Achaean farmers too

Disastrous summer for farmers: Climate change “hits” the Achaean farmers too

The lack of water, prolonged heat and mild winter are the main reasons that lead to despair many agricultural producers in Achaia who see a reduced harvest of basic products, such as raisins and grapes which are 50% lower than in 2023.

Fruitlessness, microcarpy, unexplained diseases and -at best- early and small productionare some of what farmers are experiencing this year and they all have climate change as their starting point.

The “Peloponnesehe reported with representatives of the agricultural worldwho talk in detail about the problems they face, while some of them they even pose a question of sustainability for the future.

Talking to me three producers and one owner of an agricultural packing plantwe found reduced production of basic food items which reach the table of every family, such as potatoesthe watermelonthe grapesthe oilbut also the honey whose multiple health benefits are known.

Similar problems, apart from Western Greece, also exist in many rural areas. For example, in Pella thousands of acres of peaches suddenly produce deformed fruits that are not edible, in Nevrokopi, Drama and Arcadia the potatoes grow smaller, in Markopoulos the figs drop fruit with the risk of losing 100% of the production.

F. Liakos: “30% drop in potatoes and 15% in watermelons”

Philippa Liakos,

This year, two of the main types of agricultural production in the plain of Western Achaia show a significant decrease in production, and we refer to potato and watermelon.

Philippas Liakos, owner of a packaging plant and producer in Western Achaia, told “Peloponnisos” the following: “Unfortunately, it is this summer one of the most difficult in our regionas well as due to water scarcity the productions of products such as watermelon and potato were greatly affected.

Production reduction for potato reaches 35% and for watermelon 15-20%. If we assume that a producer harvests 5 to 7 tons in watermelon, he will make about 300 euros less per hectare and about 400 euros less per hectare in potatoes.

This is the money missing from his pocket to cover his obligations and leave something as profit, If we add to this the increase in the cost of electricitybut also the increase in the price of fertilizers, you understand that the derivatives have found themselves in a dead end and for this reason the State should help the farmers in the next period of time and of course a solution should be found for the water”.

G. Bodiotis: “Almost 50% less grapes”

Disastrous summer for farmers: Climate change “hits” the Achaean farmers too

Yannis Bodiotis

The problem faced by grape producers in Aegialia is also extremely seriousas several of them have started harvesting and see that due to the lack of water they will harvest even 50% less quantities compared to the summer of 2023.

We spoke with the president of the Agricultural Association of Aegialia and producer Yiannis Bodiotis who emphasized: “In Aegialia there are early and late grape varieties. I have early varieties that I am collecting these days and what I can appreciate is that due to the heat, I will harvest almost 50% less fruit compared to last year. The lack of water has brought problems to the fruits, but also to the grapes which do not have the juice necessary for wine.

More generally, the image from the wineryis that many producers have a reduced harvest due to climate change and the same applies to other products. We have already applied to ELGA to receive support due to the heat and if there is none, then there will be a question of sustainability for many producers”.

T. Dimitropoulos: We will collect 40% less honey

Tasos Dimitropoulos

Tasos Dimitropoulos

A key capital for the food chain is the honeywhich also has been affected by the heat and, as he states the president of the Association of Beekeepers of Achaia Tassos Dimitropoulos, production will be down about 40% compared to last year.

Tasos Dimitropoulos stated: “Ewe are in the process of harvesting for honey, unfortunately though the lack of rain and drought of the last months has played an important role and the production will be reduced by almost 40%. This development, apart from the clean financial loss has a bearing on the fact that honeymoons will be lostas the lack of water and rain does not create pollen and the bees leave and go to another area. There is no nectar either and this plays a role in the production of honey, as a result of which we have a big problem.”

We asked Mr. Dimitropoulos what the damage is from the loss of 40% and he told us:Thousands of euros are lostbut for me the most important thing is that many beekeepers will leave the profession. The State must understand this and support the beekeepers financially, but also with various other actions, as for example in neighboring Turkey, where beekeeping parks have been created. The bee is the one where the ecosystem of flora and fauna is balanced.”

Panagiotis Kondylis: “Great loss for olive producers”

Panagiotis Kondylis

Panagiotis Kondylis

It can the olive growing season starts in Octoberhowever already the olive producers are talking about a disastrous year because of the unfruitfulness of the olive tree because of it lack of water and the mild winter.

We talked to him Panagiotis Kondylis, olive grower from Koumari, Aegialia who emphasized: “Unfortunately for the olive, the data is very ominous this year. Because it didn’t winter at all this year and it didn’t rain, the olives don’t have a hood and so the production will be small.

Although we were hoping for something better this yearfrom what I see the production will be a little better than last year which was extremely low. Compared to an average year, we are talking about a 30-40% drop. Except for some areas that are in the mountains, the rest of the rural areas have been affected a lot because it has not been cold. This development means disaster for the producer, but also for the consumer, as the price of oil is expected to rise again.

For this we ask for support from the state so that we can be compensated for the unfruitfulness, while also a financial aid from ELGA due to the heat would help us to overcome this difficult time”.

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