Disappearance of Natacha de Crombrugghe: the young woman could have been buried following a landslide

Nearly 2 months after the disappearance of the 28-year-old young woman, new elements continue to advance the investigation. A recent testimony, that of a mechanic, reports a landslide which could have a link with Natacha de Crombrugghe.

The latter would have crossed the Brussels woman around the San Miguel belvedere around 7 a.m. “I was coming from Tapay towards Cabanconde and I met a young woman in black clothes, her hair up and a backpack,” he says.

The local police followed this track and confirmed the trace of several landslides in the vicinity. Excavations have been carried out but these have yielded nothing so far. “It is impossible to clear the entire area of ​​rubble, but it is possible that Natacha was buried underground”, point out the police.

Natacha de Crombrugghe has been missing since January 24, when she left her Peruvian hotel for a trek in the Colca Canyon.

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