Disappearance of Emile: A Heartbreaking Mystery Unfolding in Vernet

2023-11-10 21:26:00

While the investigation into the disappearance of little Emile is still at a standstill four months later, new searches took place last Tuesday, November 7. According to our colleagues from Le Parisien, the investigators do not seem ready to abandon one of the leads in the case. And not just any…

Disappearance of Emile, the family is in dire straits “In the car, on foot or on horseback, they lower their heads and do not want to meet anyone’s gaze”

It’s been 4 months since the two and a half year old boy disappeared. Since Saturday July 8, Emile has disappeared in the tiny hamlet of Vernet (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) while during this vacation period, he was with his grandparents. While searches to find the little boy remain unsuccessful, new large-scale operations took place this week.

According to Le Parisien, thirty-six searches took place as part of the investigation into the disappearance of the little boy. The mobilized gendarmes searched homes and vehicles. Targets determined through the analysis of digital and telephone data.

Disappearance of Emile: “The investigation can last for years, we go from a lost child to an abducted one! The crime scene is the entire village”

According to Le Parisien, the “intra-family drama” track regains substance, even if no other track is ruled out. “Émile’s maternal grandparents, who had custody of the child at the time of his disappearance, underwent equivalent treatment with a double search at their main home in La Bouilladisse (Bouches-du-Rhône) as in their house of Haut-Vernet.”. Result ? That “[…] suggests that investigators have not yet ruled out the possibility of an intra-family drama disguised as a disappearance.

Disappearance of Emile: privileged criminal theory and large family, very Catholic, accused of being a sect, “he might not leave without a third party”

We will remember that at the start of the investigation, the hypothesis of a family punishment which had gone wrong, in this case from the grandfather with the austerity and severity mentioned, had emerged spontaneously.

Disappearance of little Emile: should we rule out the domestic incident disguised by the family? “Everything can still change”

According to a former gendarmerie commander, interviewed by France Info, the gendarmes carried out these searches in order to “close doors” in this investigation. However, a macabre theory still remains in the minds of investigators, reveals our colleagues from Le Parisien.

Indeed, little Émile’s grandfather and grandmother were the subject of two searches, one at their “main home in La Bouilladisse (Bouches-du-Rhône)”, but also in their house in holidays in Haut-Vernet.

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Since Émile’s disappearance, his family has been extremely discreet. His parents still agreed to testify to Famille Chhrétienne magazine. Samuel Pruvot, the journalist who met them, then explained in the columns of Marianne that it was an “abomination” to suggest that Émile’s grandfather might be involved in the disappearance of his grand-son.

Disappearance of Emile: “Guilt feeling of the grandfather”, “a collapsed family”, news from the missing little boy’s relatives
#Disappearance #Emile #intrafamily #trail #reactivated #grandparents #searched



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