Disability: wheelchairs reimbursed at 100%

2023-04-27 07:10:00

Regarding disability, “we are not up to the ideal of equality that we have engraved on the pediment of the Republic”, regretted Emmanuel Macron. On the occasion of the 6th National Handicap Conference (CNH), the President of the Republic announced a series of measures aimed at facilitating inclusion and daily life of people with disabilities.

By 2025, a “public service for the identification, assessment and early and intensive intervention of disabilities” should be set up, with no additional costs for families, in order to identify children with disabilities as early as possible. of disability. This service will be intended for all children under the age of six. Regarding support in the school environment, those accompanying students with disabilities (AESH) who wish to do so will be able to increase to 35 hours from the start of the 2023 school year. Another arrangement, each elementary school will havea disability “reference teacher”. The latter will benefit from an increase of between 400 and 500 euros per month.

Promote access to employment

Other measures have been announced concerning the employment of disabled people. People with disabilities should have access to all types of employment regardless of their situation, underlined the Head of State. Pôle emploi and France Travail “will now be the gateway and will help to develop a professional project and to determine the environment they will need rather than assigning them by default to the protected professional environment”.

For “an effectively accessible France”

Regarding accessibility, the State will devote 1.5 billion euros to improving access to public places. From 2024, access to the MaPrimeAdapt’ system will be open to people with disabilities to adapt their accommodation. A specific label will be created for the private sector in order to allow everyone to identify accessible accommodation. Another ad, wheelchairs will be reimbursed at 100% from 2024.

Many associations had boycotted this meeting and denounce an overall “lack of ambition”. “A lot of declarations of intent and not a lot of new measures”, estimated Arnaud de Broca, president of the Collectif Handicaps, which brings together 52 associations, deploring the absence of sanctions concerning accessibility. Marie-Jeanne Richard, president of Unafam judges that “the announcements are not up to the challenges”. APF France now calls for “transforming promises into action for an effectively accessible France”.

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#Disability #wheelchairs #reimbursed

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