Disability: Emmanuel Macron promises to remove multiple barriers

2023-04-26 16:55:09

Posted Apr 26, 2023, 6:55 PM

Tackle, point by point, each of the barriers that prevent the 12 million disabled people from practicing their rights and participating fully in the life of society on a daily basis. This is the promise made by Emmanuel Macron this Wednesday during the sixth National Disability Conference (CNH), boycotted by some of the associations of the Handicaps Collective which denounced a lack of ambition.

From early childhood, the Head of State undertook to generalize the autism detection system which has already benefited 40,000 children. Before they are six years old, by the end of 2024 at the latest, children will have access to a public tracking service without additional costs and without going through the Departmental Centers for People with Disabilities. At school where the number of disabled students has increased by 30% since 2017 to reach 430,000 according to the Elysée, it is now a question of moving from inclusive school to school for all.

Increased scholarships

How ? By providing each establishment and each district of the first degree with a referent teacher in particular. A new mission which will give rise to 400 or 500 euros more per month, in addition to the revaluation of the remunerations recently announced, assured the president.

Accompanying students with disabilities (AESH) who wish to do so will be able to increase to 35 hours from the start of the school year. Another promise, educational and physical accessibility in higher education must be completed by the end of the five-year term. Scholarships will be increased.

Despite the sharp drop in the unemployment rate for the disabled, now at 14%, full employment remains a long way off. To achieve this, the disabled will benefit from support linked to their project via France travail . The model of the establishments or services of help through work will be reviewed, the remuneration of the 120,000 people who work there increased. As well as that of adult apprentices.

Another commitment, the conditions for combining the disabled adult allowance and earned income will be reformed beyond half-time. The list of trades exempt from the obligation to employ the disabled (the famous 6%) will be reviewed, Emmanuel Macron wondering, for example, why versatile sellers are not included.


The other project, the one for which “we have been making commitments for 20 years”, pointed out Emmanuel Macron, is that of accessibility, for which he declared himself in favor of a system of sanctions in the long term. . In the meantime, the State will devote 1.5 billion euros over several years via funds in the hand of the prefects (without knowing if it is a new budget). Shops, restaurants, public services or even stations: all spaces open to the public will have to comply with standards. But the deadline is not fixed.

Wheelchairs will be fully reimbursed from 2024, while prostheses will be better to promote the practice of sport. Other financial support, 50,000 “new medico-social solutions” will be deployed by 2030. Finally, what applies in the physical world also applies in the digital world, only half of the 250 administrative procedures most used by the French being accessible. A catch-up plan in three years is supposed to make up for the delay.

Like what he announced for the government’s roadmap, Emmanuel Macron intends to transform all these promises into an operational program in a hundred days with the ministries, communities and associations. The associations which have already heard many promises in the past are waiting for it at the turn.

8 millions

carers for people with disabilities in France

#Disability #Emmanuel #Macron #promises #remove #multiple #barriers



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