Dirty dogs, rage novel – Liberation

JB Hanak’s book hits as hard and goes as fast as the music of Ddamage, the techno-punk-déglingo duo he formed with his big brother Fred.

Impossible to close JB Hanak’s book when you opened it. Dirty Dogs hits as hard and goes as fast as the music of Ddamage, the techno-punk-déglingo duo he formed with his big brother, Fred, until a bad illness took the latter away in 2018 at the age of 46. Dirty Dogs, it’s the furious tale of a calamitous tour in the margins of the underground to play “the sound of modern barbarism” to make his ears bleed. The Hanak brothers are the Pieds Nickelés of the French touch. We can’t help but love them despite their shoddy schemes and their adventures that smell of piss and hot beer. There’s grandeur and love in all their seedy plans. Even those who have never listened to the music of Ddamage and who have stories of musicians, will read Dirty Dogs like a thrilling thriller and a dizzying dive into an unknown world. Fascinating.

Dirty Dogs by JB Hanak (Editions Léo Scheer)



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