Director of AP-HM Confirms Allegations of Sexual Assaults at Sainte-Marguerite Hospital

Dr. Marc Adida, who was tried on March 30, 2025, is suspected of several rapes and sexual assaults on female patients. The director of the AP-HM, which is connected to the Saint-Marguerite hospital where the events allegedly took place, spoke out on this case.

“When you look at history in hindsight, it’s obvious.” Interviewed this Thursday, September 5, in the columns of the newspaper ProvenceFrançois Crémieux, general director of AP-HM to which the Marseille Sainte-Marguerite hospital is attached, responds directly to the accusations against Marc Adida, a former specialist targeted by several complaints of sexual assault and rape within the hospital.

Despite several alerts from patients, the latter remained for ten years within the health establishment and even received a promotion.

“This is undoubtedly the result of dysfunctions (…) This gentleman should not have remained in his post as a doctor,” believes the head of the public health establishment in Marseille and its region.

Four years after the first complaint, the AP-HM has just filed a civil action in the case. “When I arrived (on May 9, 2021, Editor’s note), he was incarcerated and the story was a low-key one. I made the decision, more recently, including because the subject was publicized, to consider that the facts were serious enough and close to public assistance for us to file a civil action,” explains François Crémieux.

“We will launch an investigation this month”

While “a certain number of actors have been aware” of the facts over the years according to him, a real omerta has been established around the affair in the care establishment. The general director of the AP-HM, who judges that “[son] “The job is to apply the decisions of justice”, hopes to lift the veil on the internal and external dysfunctions of the hospital.

“We are going to launch an investigation this month into this case, and more generally, into sexist and sexual violence in psychiatry,” François Crémieux told La Provence, specifying that the investigation will be entrusted “to an external firm.”

“I note that there have been serious incidents and that each time the alerts have been brushed aside by experts internally, or at the level of external committees. This raises questions,” he continues.

Marc Adida has been in pretrial detention since 2020 and will be tried on March 30, 2025. He is charged with sexual assault and aggravated rape committed on patients within the hospital. The man risks up to 20 years in prison.



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