“Direction” in the expulsion of foreign forces from Iraq by the writer / Raed Omar

Since the formation of the current Iraqi government regarding two and a half months ago, the parties and factions of the “coordinating framework” did not refer to and did not address the issue of or the recurring demand for the removal of “American” foreign forces from Iraq. This is justified by the selection and nomination of the leaders of the “framework” for Sayyid Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani and not trying to embarrass him in the first weeks of his reign, while media outlets link that the outcome of this may be sacrificed or related to the unstable situation in Iran, and perhaps both reasons are related to that even to varying degrees.!

However, what has spread recently in some news sources and websites “and perhaps what has been leaked” is that disagreements and disagreements have emerged between the “cadres” and the prime minister, and have reached the point of cracks in the ranks.!

Where the most prominent of those leaks – information < وعلى مرآى ومسامع الجمهور > That Mr. Al-Sudani no longer adheres to the directives of those who nominated him in the manner and mechanism of administering the state, and its foreign relations in a more special way.

Without going into more details, Mr. Hadi Al-Amiri surprised the “head of the Badr Organization or Corps” in his speech on the occasion of the Iraqi Army’s Day. The last paragraph in his speech stated that there is no longer a need for foreign forces to stay in Iraq, and they must leave immediately!

We stopped at the word “media”. < فوراً > And how it will become, and what are its mechanisms and ways of implementation, and whether the departure and removal of the American forces < التي لايتجاوز تشكيلها وتعدادها لواءاً عسكريا , والتي طالما كرر مسؤولون عسكريون وسياسيون في الدولة , بأنّ مهامّهم تقتصر في مجالات التدريب وكمستشارين>

The most important thing: It is somewhat unlikely that Al-Sudani – the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces would agree to this request, as well as both the approval of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense in this regard, especially with the existence of a previous Iraqi-American agreement in this regard, which is still in effect, just as an invitation from the government The American visit to Mr. Al-Sudani to Washington has another and additional relationship in the assumption of “the travel and deportation of Americans from the country.” As for the extent of the interactions of this Al-Amiri claim with the three presidencies, the closest hypothetical perceptions – priority, may miss any interaction, as the owner of the first word is the Prime Minister, and some interventions may also be sacrificed from behind the scenes, as opinions and proactive narrations at least.!



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