Direct – War in Ukraine: pro-Russian separatists claim control of a village near Bakhmout

Hostilities resumed on Sunday in Ukraine after the Orthodox Christmas truce decreed without convincing by Vladimir Putin, at the end of which Moscow claimed to have avenged its losses by killing hundreds in one strike, which kyiv immediately denied. .

In the Sumy region alone, in northeastern Ukraine, the local administration reported in the early evening of more than a hundred bombardments and strikes during the day on Sunday.

The Russian army carried out 144 strikes during the day“, in particular on the localities of Esmansk, Novoslobid, Myropil, Bilopol and Khotyn which were “under fire“, wrote the head of the regional administration Dmytro Zhivitsky on the social network Telegram.

In Esmansk in particular, the Russian army struck with mortars, Grad multiple rocket launchers and heavy artillery, destroying four houses, a school and a communal hall.

However, there were no casualties in the region, according to the same source.

This is the week of all dangers that is coming, both for Russians and for Ukrainians. It is not by chance that Putin tried to make a truce just before this one, just to prepare for it more “calmly”.

A week that should see nighttime temperatures drop drastically, falling to minus 15-17 degrees. The mud would then transform, almost permanently, into an icy heap. These severe frosts therefore mean that it is easier to move around, especially for heavy equipment, the deadliest.

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