Direct – War in Ukraine: Lysychansk besieged, Russians and Ukrainians fight over the refinery

127th day of war in Ukraine and the situation continues to deteriorate for the Ukrainian forces. The Russian army continues its increasingly brutal offensive with heavy artillery strikes to prepare the advance of ground troops and soldiers. In the Donbass, Lysychansk resists, the refinery is currently at the center of all desires. The forces of the Russian Federation claim its capture but the Ukrainian fighters contest and say they are still present. All this despite the severe lack of ammunition, weapons and essential equipment such as night vision. A material inequality that President Zelensky continues to castigate, causes, according to him, difficulty in resisting the attacks of Vladimir Putin’s men, Chechens and special forces in the lead. The United Kingdom, for its part, has announced the shipment of equipment.

Elsewhere in the country, too, the fighting is raging and the missiles continue to rain down. Kherson, Kharkov, Mykolaiv, kyiv, the Kremlin gives no respite to the Ukrainians and continues to put pressure. A situation that is also true in the other war that of influence and propaganda. Since the specter of nuclear weapons also continues to be raised. This time it is the American secret services who say they have had access to information according to which Moscow would consider using tactical nuclear weapons as revealed by the head of intelligence Avril Haines. Leaks / information whose anxiety effect is perfectly calculated by the Russian services. There remains frustration, an element not to be overlooked according to Avril Haines, which might push Vladimir Poutine to carry out his threats. A President of the Russian Federation who continues to deny hitting the Kremenchuk shopping center.

And meanwhile, the day following NATO’s announcement of its enlargement and an increase in its military presence in Europe, diplomacy continues behind the scenes to put in place a negotiated solution. 144 Ukrainian soldiers, including 95 members of the Azov regiment, were released and the Ukrainian president received the Indonesian president and billionaire Richard Branson.

Follow below the events of this 127th day of war in Ukraine:



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