Direct US elections: Obama towards the White House

The Obama-Romney duel, the tightest election since 2000. Follow the first indications of participation, the first results and, at the end of the night, the name of the President of the United States.

5:18 a.m. Barack Obama given as the winner by several American channels.

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5:11 a.m. Barack Obama wins Ohio and approaches 270 voters. The results favor the outgoing president. Never has a Republican candidate arrived in Washington without winning Ohio. Mitt Romney is still a winner in the key state of North Carolina.

5 hours. Democrats keep the Senate according to US TV projections. Whoever the new president of the United States is, the political situation House of Representatives dominated by Republicans + Senate to Democrats will pose problems for both hot folders by the end of the year in terms of debt and budget.

  • On the budgetthe Republicans, pushed so far by a blocking minority of representatives close to the Tea Party elected in 2010, promise to refuse any tax hike, as demanded by Democratic President Barack Obama on the wealthiest households.
  • On the thisthe Treasury Department recalled on October 31 that the legal ceiling for American public debt should be reached by the end of December, a limit which will therefore have to be raised by Congress if the United States does not want to find itself in default of payment.

This file has poisoned American politics since the summer of 2011, when the country’s credit rating was downgraded by Standard & Poor’s. However, that summer, Democrats and Republicans had reached an agreement according to which, if they did not agree on how to reduce the debt, a “fiscal wall” consisting of drastic spending cuts and tax increases would come into effect. effective from January 1.

4:45 a.m. 266 Obama- 188 Romney, according to CNN estimates

Here is the almost clear photograph three quarters of an hour before the closing of the offices in the states on the west coast (California, Oregon, Washington) whose results will not surprise anyone: they constitute Democratic strongholds. New Hampshire has just turned “blue”.

What is Obama missing? One State. Florida with its 29 electors has soon come to the end of its count and Obama is holding the line. Just like in Ohio. Romney still ahead in Virginia and North Carolina but without the two “big” ones (Ohio and Florida), Romney will be able to return to his offshore accounts.

4:15 a.m. Florida, Ohio and Virginia, the key states that lock the election. Update on the results.

  1. Obama in front… The incumbent Democratic president has so far won 164 of the 270 electors needed to win the US presidential election, compared to 149 for his Republican rival
  2. … which holds up well. He also managed to remove the uncertainties that weighed on his victory in New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan by winning all the votes of the electors of these four states.
  3. Romney strong in the South… The former governor of Massachusetts won the states of Kentucky, Indiana, South Carolina, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Georgia, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Kansas, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming
  4. … must win Florida, Ohio and Virginia. Mitt Romney needs to win all three states to ensure he stays in the presidential race while Barack Obama can afford to lose one or two as he has gleaned the votes of voters in Vermont , Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Michigan, New York, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.
  5. In FloridaMitt Romney is currently on par with Barack Obama, following counting more than 80% of the ballots.

4 hours 5. Obama president for another four years? This is what awaits the United States:

4 hours. Obama and Romney for the time being tied: 154 major voters each.

Here is the count of the electors assured for the two candidates for the presidency of the United States.

Connecticut 7, District of Columbia 3, Delaware 3, Illinois 20, Maine 4, Maryland 10, Massachusetts 11, Michigan 16, New Jersey 14, New York 29, Pennsylvanie 20, Rhode Island 4, Vermont 3, Wisconsin 10

Alabama 9, Arkansas 6, South Carolina 9, North Dakota 3, South Dakota 3, Georgia 16, Indiana 11, Kansas 6, Kentucky 8, Louisiana 8, Mississippi 6, Nebraska 5, Oklahoma 7, Tennessee 11, Texas 38 , West Virginia 5, Wyoming 3

The winner will be the one who has passed the bar of 270 electors.

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