Direct election of the prime minister, ok in the commission. The bill in 5 key points

– dissolution of the Chambers by the President of the Republic, if the elected Prime Minister fails to obtain the parliamentary confidence of the Chambers or in the event of revocation of confidence in the elected Prime Minister through a reasoned motion

– In the event of resignation of the Prime Minister, the task of forming the Government can be assigned to a different parliamentarian who has been a candidate in connection, to implement the same programmatic commitments and political direction.

A Prime Minister elected by the electoral body

«The Prime Minister is elected by universal and direct suffrage for a term of five years». This is what the bill under consideration provides, within an article 92 of the Constitution which it reformulates. The principle of direct electivity of the Prime Minister is therefore established. However, with the limit of two consecutive mandates, as requested by the opposition

An award on a national basis

The text reformulated by the government provides for «a prize on a national basis that guarantees a majority of seats in each of the Chambers to the lists and candidates linked to the Prime Minister» (no longer with the threshold set at 55% as initially envisaged, ed.). The threshold necessary to trigger the prize, the possible run-off if no one reaches the threshold, how to count the vote of the 5 million Italians abroad, are all issues postponed to the future electoral law

Dissolution of the Chambers in case of no confidence in the Prime Minister

At the moment the text provides for two cases: in the event of revocation of confidence in the prime minister elected by means of a reasoned motion, the President of the Republic dissolves the Chambers.

#Direct #election #prime #minister #commission #bill #key #points
2024-04-03 06:40:35



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