Delegates: Opposition approaches quorum and threatens SIDE’s reserve funds

2024-08-21 02:35:00

oppositional House of Representatives This Tuesday, we have at least 129 representatives scheduled for a special session in the House of Representatives tomorrow, Funds set aside for the Secretariat of National Intelligence (SIDE)through the lens of discussing the executive branch’s decree ordering the allocation of P100 billion to the organization.

At the same time, the ruling party is fully committed to the task of running through the governor Give “down” representative And the quorum slips from the hands of the meeting sponsor.

The dispute remains unresolved, but until Tuesday, the balance was tipped in favor of the opposition because, as the C.I.A. argentina news According to senior parliamentary sources from the radical group, this space “15 to 20 representatives” will contribute to the quorum.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

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This meeting was requested by 7 wayward representatives of the Encuentro Federal (16 members), the Civic Union (6 members) and the UCR, who more or less did to Facundo Manes responded.

The chairman of this block is Rodrigo de Loredo He must decide whether to work with the ruling party to let him off the hook on an issue that he does not want to expose or escalate in public opinion, or whether to give in to other opposition actions that would deal a devastating blow to the issue.

The Liberal Avanza (LLA) has already suffered a setback on this issue after losing the chairmanship of the bicameral committee on intelligence organizations and activities oversight into the hands of radical Senator Martin Lousteauin a cunning tweezer campaign conceived and executed with Kirchnerism by the economist.

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Courtesy of House Press.

Regarding this debate, UCR opposing positions.

The Speaker and those who follow his line in the bloc prefer not to rock the boat for the ruling party, especially after the establishment of the bicameral committee on intelligence agencies and activities.

But paradoxically, the man named Tuesday to serve as president of the coveted institution, national senator and UC Riverside National Council Chair Lousteau, asked UC Riverside representatives A quorum was reached and the debate went downstairs.

“As president of UC Riverside, I want to see a radical group step down, spark debate, and vote against this democratic coalition”He said without thinking.

These statements assume that the seven radical deputies who signed the call for the conference will also be joined by legislators of the “evolutionary” current, for whom Lousteau is the greatest reference. even More people can sit on the benches.

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“The majority prefers a quorum but the different positions expressed will be respected”Sources close to DeLoredo admitted.

The support of the largest Union of Parliamentarians (UxP) with 99 members and five representatives of the left shows: The minimum threshold for debate may be exceeded.

The next step will be to collect the numbers Deny DNU In a vote, this was a perfectly achievable goal, since it was assumed that all representatives with a quorum would vote in favor of declaring the decree invalid.

It’s even conceivable that lawmakers would add a few extra votes because they feel it’s more time-consuming to guide the debate on intelligence agencies in both chambers.

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Is DNU dangerous?

To overturn the decree, the opposition needs a simple majority not only in the House of Representatives but also in the Senate: As long as only one of the two houses approves the statute, it is sufficient to maintain its full validity..

Initially, a call to the venue was requested last Thursday, 15 August (i.e. the first working day) in order to expedite processing of Decree-Law No. 656/24, Ten days have passed since the DNU was published in the Official GazetteBut Wednesday’s marathon stretched into the next morning and they couldn’t give a time.

After trying, the same organizers withdrew the call and postponed the meeting Nicholas Massot (Federal Conference) interrupted last Wednesday’s meeting with a fourth intermission.

Representative 20240627 Photo: AFP

A motion to deviate from the rules and include an item repealing the ordinance on the agenda for that session was also unsuccessful.

Anyway, in that vote, 135 votes in favorwhich marks a solid precedent when considering possible outcomes from this Wednesday’s meeting.

Meeting agenda includes items announced by Citizens Alliance “Absolute and insane invalidity” under DNU 656as well as an initiative led by Margarita Stolbizer (Federal Assembly) aimed at rejecting the measure entirely.

The decree passed the ballot on August 1, despite attempts by the opposition to do so, The ruling party prevents discussion of its effectiveness or ineffectiveness The bicameral Legislative Procedure Committee convened a week later.


#Delegates #Opposition #approaches #quorum #threatens #SIDEs #reserve #funds



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