Diplomatic tensions between DRC and Kenya: Tshisekedi criticizes Ruto’s management of the Nairobi process

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) President Félix Tshisekedi has harshly criticized his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto for his handling of the Nairobi process. During a panel discussion on July 24, 2024, Tshisekedi expressed frustration, saying that the process, which was supposed to foster dialogue with armed groups in eastern DRC, is “virtually dead.” The statement marks an escalation of tensions between the DRC and Kenya.

Félix Tshisekedi has explicitly criticized the Kenyan president for mismanagement, saying that Ruto took sides with Rwanda, which compromised the effectiveness of the dialogue. The Nairobi process, initiated by former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, was intended to create a platform for discussions for armed groups in eastern DRC with a view to their disarmament and demobilization. However, according to Tshisekedi, since the end of the third round of talks in December 2023, little progress has been made.

The Nairobi process was set up to address the security crisis in eastern DRC, a region plagued by persistent armed conflict. Since 2022, the East African Community (EAC) has deployed a force under the leadership of a Kenyan general in North Kivu to fight the M23 rebellion. Kinshasa has often expressed reservations about Kenya’s role, accusing the EAC force of not adopting a sufficiently offensive posture.

Faced with the impasse of the Nairobi process, the Congolese authorities are now turning to the Luanda process, led by Angolan President João Lourenço. This process aims to re-establish dialogue between the DRC and Rwanda, accused of supporting the M23 rebellion. A trial against Corneille Nangaa, declared leader of the Congo River Alliance (AFC), and 24 co-defendants is underway in Kinshasa, although many are being tried in absentia.

Tshisekedi’s criticism comes after several incidents that have exacerbated tensions between Kinshasa and Nairobi. Last December, the announcement of the creation of the Congo River Alliance in Nairobi and Kenya’s refusal to arrest Corneille Nangaa particularly irritated Kinshasa, leading to the recall of its ambassadors. The Luanda process now appears as a more promising alternative for the DRC.

A meeting between Félix Tshisekedi and Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, has been under discussion for several months but has not yet come to fruition. As the M23 continues to gain ground, the future of the peace dialogue in eastern DRC remains uncertain. The Luanda process, under the aegis of Angola, could offer a new path to resolve conflicts and stabilize the region.


2024-07-27 15:49:30
#Diplomatic #tensions #DRC #Kenya #Tshisekedi #criticizes #Rutos #management #Nairobi #process



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