Dini Sera Afriyanti’s Family Asks Ronald Tannur and Judge to be Sentenced Appropriately – 2024-07-30 22:11:13

A wreath expressing disappointment over the judge’s decision to acquit Gregorius Ronald Tannur (ANTARA PHOTO/Didik Suhartono)

THE family of Dini Sera Afriyanti complained to the Indonesian House of Representatives and asked for an appropriate punishment for the defendant Gregorius Ronald Tannur and the judge who tried him. Ronald has been acquitted by the panel of judges at the Surabaya District Court (PN).

“I ask the leadership of Commission III to continue to assist this case until it is resolved, so that my family gets justice and the suspect gets the appropriate punishment, and the judge is immediately prosecuted as fairly as possible,” said the victim’s younger sibling, Dini, Alfika Risma, in the DPR Commission III Meeting Room, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, July 29, 2024.

Alfika will fight for justice. Her goal is to complain to the DPR so that her struggle is heard more widely.

“I came here with my father accompanied by my attorney to voice my aspirations so that they can be heard by fellow media members as well. I am fighting for this especially for my biological sister, the late Dini,” said Alfika.

Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives Ahmad Sahroni asked Alfika and her family not to worry. The people’s representatives will certainly fight for this case to get justice.

“Don’t worry, here everyone has a lion’s face. Because seeing what the judge said, I first read the news, any idiot who sees the related incident that has happened and the acquittal is declared, that’s what I said until today, the 3 judges who decided the acquittal are all sick,” said Sahroni.

Also read: DPR Commission III: Gregorius Ronald Tannur’s Acquittal Verdict Does Not Side with the Victim

Commission III of the House of Representatives has also provided recommendations. Starting from the examination of the judge to the ban for Ronald.

“Commission III asks the Supreme Court and the Judicial Commission to immediately examine the judges (Chairman of the Panel, Erintuah Damanik; Member, Mangapul, Heru Hanindyo) who are included in the Panel of Judges related to the case of the late Dini Sera Afriyanti (No.454/PID.B/2024/PN SBY) in accordance with statutory provisions,” said member of Commission III of the DPR Heru Widodo.

The next recommendation is to ask the Attorney General to immediately file an appeal. In addition, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) was asked to issue a letter of prohibition for Ronald.

Also read: PKB Deactivates Edward Tannur as Cadre

“And submit a ban on Brother Gregorius Ronald Tannur to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in accordance with statutory provisions,” said Heru.

The next recommendation is for the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) to protect witnesses and victims. “Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives requires LPSK to provide protection to the families of victims and witnesses in accordance with statutory provisions,” Heru explained.

Chief Justice Erintuah Damanik acquitted defendant Gregorius Ronald Tannur of the murder charge of Dini Sera Afriyanti. The verdict was read out by Damanik during the sentencing hearing at the Surabaya District Court on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Also read: KY Investigation Team Moves to Investigate Ronald Tannur’s Acquittal

Damanik emphasized that the son of the PKB politician had not been proven legally and convincingly to have committed murder or assault which caused the victim’s death.

“The defendant was not proven legally and convincingly as in the first charge, Article 338 of the Criminal Code or second, Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code or third, Article 359 of the Criminal Code and 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code,” said Damanik.

In addition, Damanik asked the Public Prosecutor (JPU) to release the defendant from detention, immediately after the verdict was read. “Ordering to release the defendant immediately after this verdict is read,” he said.

Previously, Public Prosecutor (JPU) Ahmad Muzzaki demanded the defendant be sentenced to 12 years in prison because it was considered proven in the first charge, namely Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning murder. (Z-7)

#Dini #Sera #Afriyantis #Family #Asks #Ronald #Tannur #Judge #Sentenced #Appropriately



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