Ding Hao and Yang Dingxin advanced to the semi-finals of the LG Cup-Sports-中工网

Original title: Ding Hao Yang Dingxin advanced to the semi-finals of the LG Cup

Beijing Daily News (Reporter Li Li) Yesterday, the 27th LG Cup Chess Championship ended all the top 8 matches. Chinese chess players Ding Hao and Yang Dingxin withstood the pressure and defeated Jin Mingxun and Zhiye Humaru respectively, and both advanced to the semi-finals, ushering in a long-lost victory for Chinese Go.

The reason why Ding Hao and Yang Dingxin are under a lot of pressure is mainly because of the poor performance of Chinese Go players recently. In the just-concluded Samsung Cup competition, South Korean chess players occupied 7 seats in the top 8, and only Yang Dingxin from China advanced. But he lost to South Korean female chess player Cui Jing in the quarter-finals, and the South Korean team directly swept the top four.

After the Samsung Cup was wiped out, Chinese chess players are looking forward to making a difference in the LG Cup. But unexpectedly, Ke Jie and Mi Yuting were both defeated on the first day of the competition. Among them, Ke Jie’s 9th dan was reversed by South Korean veteran Jiang Dongyun’s 9th dan, and he missed the world championship for two years. In addition, Shin Jinjo, the No. 1 Go player in South Korea, defeated Mi Yuting’s 9th dan lightly, and has won 24 consecutive victories once morest Chinese players in international competitions.

With the advancement of Ding Hao and Yang Dingxin, the semi-finals of this year’s LG Cup has also become a veritable “China-Korea War”. At 9 a.m. this morning, Ding Hao took the lead once morest South Korean veteran Jiang Dongyun who reversed and eliminated Ke Jie. Tomorrow Yang Dingxin will face “Korea’s No. 1 player” Shin Jinjue.



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