Dimitris Kokotas: What the X-ray results showed – He remains intubated for the 4th day – 2024-04-03 12:07:29

Dimitris Kokotas: What the X-ray results showed – He remains intubated for the 4th day
 – 2024-04-03 12:07:29

Dimitris Kokotasremains intubated for a fourth day following suffering a setback last week in rehearsals for “J2US.”

According to the report of the program “Live News”, they were made to him two axial and there does not appear to be damage following cardiac arrest. For this reason, the doctors will try to wake him up in the next 24 hours, so that the good image of the singer can also be established clinically.

“Doctors remain cautiously optimistic and advise us to be patient” said Dimitris Kokota’s wife speaking on Mega’s show.

“He had no issues, no discomfort, no signs of fatigue. Fortunately, it is a healthy body,” he adds.

“I remain optimistic. I wish to see him come home and get over this bad dream” shocks the wife of Dimitris Kokota.

“It was eight minutes without a heartbeat”

The singer spent eight minutes without a heartbeat while being transported by ambulance to the hospital.

“The point is these dishonorable 8 minutes. When he collapsed in the ambulance, during his transfer from J2US to the hospital, he had been without oxygen to his head for 8 minutes. When you have an interruption, you die,” Giorgos Liagas said on the show “To Proinono”

“Yesterday followingnoon there was a first attempt to wake him up, because he is intubated. This attempt was not completed. The doctors judged, although they started, that the measurements were such that they did not allow them to complete this effort. Today they will try a second time to wake him up,” he added.

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