Dilara complained about difficult family life with Morgenstern

The showman’s ex-lover revealed the truth about her marriage.

Morgenstern and Dilara. Photo: blogger’s personal archive

Morgenstern’s ex-wife Dilara Zinatullina – stated that she still remembers the grievances against the ex-lover. The celebrity knows that the artist is abusing alcohol, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Dilara wants Morgenstern to do well.

“Love is when you just want everything to be fine with him, no matter what conflicts and resentments between you. I don’t understand him in many ways, I’m still angry, I still haven’t forgiven him for a lot, but it seems to me that I could kill for him. I can’t imagine that I would let someone offend or harm him, ”Dilara said in Telegram.

“Listen, I love you very much, but how much he drinks is none of your business and not even mine … Now already … You often write to me about this, but in vain. I can’t do anything,” said the 22-year-old businesswoman.

We will remind, earlier Dilara called the reason for parting with Morgenstern. The blogger admitted that she was unable to maintain interest in relations with the artist after the coveted “yes” in the registry office.

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