Informant Kim Putters has just sent his report to the House of Representatives. In short, he advises that the PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB will negotiate together regarding an extra-parliamentary cabinet. Or as he proposes to call it: a program cabinet.
This week I discussed the characteristics of such a cabinet with the other party leaders. That was important and good to do. Because as I said earlier, there were many different views on the definition of ‘extra-parliamentary’. In any case, what always comes back is that such a cabinet has a greater distance from the House of Representatives. But the effect still raised plenty of questions. The VVD has made it clear that there must in any case be an equal degree of commitment from parties, in terms of content and people. This is also clearly reflected in Putters’ advice.
With regard to the content, Putters advises the four parties to reach an agreement in broad terms. This provides guidance and direction regarding the goals and ambitions and leaves room for the interpretation of the ‘how’, the measures, by the final cabinet team. In any case, such an outline agreement must contain clear (and more detailed) agreements on sound public finances, strengthening our international position (in terms of economy and security) and the rule of law. In short, on our three basic principles. That is also stated in the report.
We are ready to take responsibility.
About the staffing of the cabinet, Putters writes that it is good to have people in the cabinet with political experience and people with experience outside politics. A balanced distribution between people from inside and outside. The media talks a lot regarding the position of political leaders. At the table we jointly decided that in order to make an extra-parliamentary cabinet possible in this construction, we as political leaders will remain in the House of Representatives.
With the further design of a program cabinet in the next phase, there will, if all goes well, be a cabinet that provides scope for solving the social challenges of the moment. And a cabinet that offers sufficient political commitment, stability and manageability, according to Putters. Next Wednesday we will debate the report and its follow-up in the House of Representatives. The sequel in which we can finally talk regarding the content once more. And that’s high time. The Netherlands has been waiting too long for a cabinet that can get to work.
All in all, Putters’ report and advice provide a good basis for taking the next step. The points that are important to us are included. It will not be the VVD’s fault in the coming phase either. We are ready to take responsibility. For a stable national government that is busy solving problems. We will continue to do this constructively. Because the stability and future of the Netherlands will always be decisive for us.