dignity is a human right – 2024-08-08 20:56:20

As part of the Youth with Values ​​project, Free press, This discussion was led by Silvia Trujillo, sociologist, researcher and professor at Rafael Landívar University.

The workshop was attended by students Fátima Argueta Dubón, Marco Donadío Castellanos, Pablo Melgar Gámez, Carmen Gómez Chanax, Martin Taracena Vettorazzi, Valeria Vargas Padilla and Valeria Aldana Melgar, Zambrano Padilla, from 5th year of High School of the Javier High School, who expressed their opinions and enriched the concepts.

Sociologist Silvia Trujillo referred to lessons learned by anthropologist Laura Cumes, determining that dignity is a concept that has been a legacy, from Mayan languages ​​to indigenous peoples, making reflections such as: “I have dignity because I respect plants, because I am that plant; I have dignity because I am also a person, a woman; I must connect with others and together we make dignity.”

In this way, Trujillo generated a participatory dynamic, questioning the aspects that are linked to dignity. In this regard, the students emphasized human rights: freedom of expression, life, being heard, and in turn, fulfilling obligations, knowing how to act as dignified people.

Trujillo reinforced that Dignity is a substrate, it is the base on which the entire framework of human rights is built, Therefore both concepts are linked.

There are two ways to define dignity: as something external, which imposes itself, that other people recognize and, in turn, has to do with the place you occupy in the world, he said. But, thanks to modernity, today It is assumed as something intrinsic, personal autonomy, which characterizes us as human beings.

During the presentation, he also referred to the historical background and human rights violations. In his interaction with the young people, he asked them what caused them indignation.

Students mentioned aspects such as society’s indifference to various cases in which people suffer; injustice, violation of rights, apathy and indifference, which are often assumed to be normal.

The conversation between the sociologist and the students generated a series of ideas that enrich knowledge about the value of dignity. Watch the full video.

And test your knowledge with this form.

Youth with Values ​​is a project of Prensa Libre with the support of Banco Industrial. Download the worksheet on dignity and wait for more videos on other values ​​with the participation of students and specialists in Prensa Libre’s networks.

#dignity #human



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