Digital work card: Increase in declared overtime

In particular, from P.S. “ERGANI” finds that since the start of the implementation of the measure in 2021, the increase in declared overtime, compared to previous years, is significant for all branches that have joined it. In the first seven months of 2024, recorded overtime hours reached 1.53 million, marking an increase compared to the corresponding seven months of previous years (2021: 957,000 hours, lockdown due to Covid-19, 2022: 1.48 million hours, 2023: 1.49 million hours).

Supermarkets are a typical example of an increase in declared overtime in a sector. And this is because, from the start of the implementation of the measure until the end of 2023, a cumulative increase of 61.2% was observed.

Labor market

In the meantime, from the comparative analysis of the period July 2019 – July 2019 (data from the P.S. “ERGANI”) for employees in the private sector, the following conclusions emerge:

  • The number of salaried workers employed in July 2024 was 2,800,666, increased by 21.6% compared to the corresponding month of 2019.
  • In July 2024, 2,303,411 full-time jobs were recorded, which implies an increase of 31.3% compared to July 2019. At the same time, 851,182 part-time jobs were recorded (+9.1% compared to 2019).
  • The number of employed salaried women increased by 24.6%, from 1,070,125 in July 2019 to 1,333,219 in July 2024 (263,094 more).
  • Employed employed youth aged 15 to 24 increased by 28.9%, from 250,963 in July 2019 to 323,577 in July 2024 (72,614 more).
  • Employed workers over the age of 65 more than doubled, from 16,699 in July 2019 to 33,118 in July 2024. At the same time, 190,270 retirees have declared their work, in accordance with the new framework for the employment of retirees of Law 5078/2023, without reduction of their pension, on the relevant e-EFKA platform.
  • There was a cumulative 27.7% increase in the minimum wage, from €650 in 2019 to €830 in 2024.
  • The number of employees receiving the minimum daily wage is 658,939.
  • Greece is in 11th place among the 22 member states of the European Union that have a statutory minimum wage (Eurostat data).
  • The average salary increased by 20.8%, from 1,036 euros in July 2019 to 1,252 euros in July 2024.

The application phases

The following sectors are already included in the Digital Card regime, per implementation phase (P.S. “ERGANI” details):


  • banks (34 companies)
  • supermarket with over 250 employees (18 businesses)
  • 2nd phase:


  • insurance companies (119 companies)
  • security companies (567 companies)


  • DEKO (14 companies)
  • Total number of employees of the 1st and 2nd phases of the implementation of the PES: approximately 150,000
  • 3rd phase:

01/01/2024 (pilots) – 1/7/2024 (full implementation):

  • industry (25,300 enterprises)
  • retail trade (47,500 businesses)
  • Total employees of the 3rd phase of the implementation of the PES: approximately 600,000
  • In total, to date, approximately 73,000 businesses with 750,000 employees have joined.

Sectors to be included in the next phases of implementation:

09/2024 (pilots) – early 2025 (full implementation)

The number of employees expected to join the measure during its 4th phase of implementation will be finalized after the precise identification of the liable companies.

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#Digital #work #card #Increase #declared #overtime



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