Digital office: With the new document service, you can request documents quickly and easily from home

Birth, marriage and partnership certificates can now be downloaded with one click

Vienna (OTS) Users of the digital office can now obtain documents such as birth or marriage certificates with just a few clicks using the new “Certificate Service”. The data of all persons for whom there has been a change in the civil status register since November 1, 2014, such as birth, marriage or registered partnership, was automatically recorded digitally and can therefore be obtained digitally. All other persons can contact their registry office and request that their data be recorded in the digital register. The service makes it possible for all citizens whose data is available digitally to order partial or complete extracts from the Central Civil Status Register (ZPR) online without having to go to an office. This saves time and effort and enables smooth handling of administrative procedures.

For Florian Tursky, State Secretary for Digitization and Telecommunications at the Federal Ministry of Finance, this is another important step towards making digitization tangible for citizens and making the positive benefits tangible: “Anyone who has ever been in the situation of having to present documents quickly, this but – for whatever reason – are not at hand, certainly appreciate the value of this service. We also want to expand the certificate service and are currently examining the possibility of making further documents and certificates available electronically,” says Tursky.

Either a complete excerpt of the data stored in the Central Civil Status Register (ZPR) or partial excerpts on the topics of birth, the existence of a marriage or a registered partnership, the name (including all preceding names), all marriages or all registered partnerships can be subject to a fee be ordered.

A prerequisite for using the document service in the Digital Office is, in addition to registering in the Digital Office app, possession of a mobile phone signature or ID-Austria and payment of a fee, which is collected via the Digital Office app using an online payment method.

One digital office – more than 200 applications
The prerequisite for optimal use of the digital office and many other e-government services is possession of an electronic identity. The ID Austria can already be used in more than 200 online applications from various authorities. At the end of March, more than 826,000 ID-Austria were already in use.

Questions & contact:

Query note:
Ing. Michael Tögel, BA
Deputy Press Spokesman State Secretary Florian Tursky
Lecturer for digital transformation
Mobil: +43 664 8581576

Federal Ministry of Finance, press office
(+43 1) 514 33 501 031

Johannesgasse 5, 1010 Vienna

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