Digital media education in kindergarten

2023-07-30 22:00:00

Real or not real? In Schleedorf, kindergarten children practiced being screenwriters and actors as part of a film project.

For the fourth time, the Schleedorf kindergarten recently said: “Caution, shut up, the first one!” A film project with filmmaker Martin Dimitz was on the program there – the pedagogical background revolved around the conscious use of media. The patron of the project is Caroline Moser, educational specialist at the Schleedorf kindergarten.

How can one imagine a multi-week film project with kindergarten children? “Our 13 children starting school tried their hand at being screenwriters and actors and thus experienced the making of their own film up close,” explains Moser. “There was a lot to do and to consider.” It was therefore necessary to clarify: Which story should the film tell and which roles should appear in it? Where should the film be shot and what materials do you need for it?

The children worked hard and created “The Giant Party” together. Creativity was required: “It doesn’t matter whether it’s a lightning dragon, a fairy eagle or a blacksmith – everyone was able to contribute their wishes and ideas and help shape them in their own way,” says the initiator.

Critical handling of the media

The decisive factor for the film project was the fact that children today are born into a world that is heavily influenced by the media and usually grow up with smartphones, tablets and their “favorite videos” on YouTube as a matter of course. In childhood, however, it is difficult to distinguish between reality and fiction in the media representations. “In order to be able to better counteract hidden risks, the film project is dedicated to critical access to the digital world. The aim is to learn how to deal competently with media that goes beyond just operating devices,” explains Moser.

Reality and fiction: learning how media work

“Learning by doing” was on the kindergarten agenda, so to speak: “Our children learn best how media works, what they intend and how they influence us by working creatively and actively with media themselves. In this way, for example, they can make a difference be sensitized by , information and entertainment.” And further: “Through the production of our own film, the children experienced that not everything that is shown on television is also true.”

#Digital #media #education #kindergarten



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