Digital in Africa: what do they need?

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The African continent has embarked on its digital revolution. The quality of the networks is improving, even if it is often too expensive for the consumer. Mobile services offer new markets, open up horizons for businesses in an increasingly interconnected world. The pandemic has further accentuated this heavy trend. But what exactly do players in this sector need, from start-ups to large companies, including those responsible for training technicians, developers and future bosses?

Éco d’ici, Éco d’ailleurs gives them the floor in a program relocated toCheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal), in the premises of the Francophonie University Agency. This association, which brings together more than a thousand higher education establishments around the world, relies on the establishment of its French-speaking employability centres. In the second part of the show, you will be able to listen to an interview with Sacha Poignonnec, co-founder and general manager of Jumia, the African e-commerce giant, one of the growth engines of the digital sector in Africa.

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