Digital Government: Córdoba Capital received the highest rating and is equal to European ones such as Madrid or Barcelona

2023-09-21 23:18:51

The report evaluates the potential of Govtech ecosystems in 31 cities in 16 Ibero-American countries to understand how local authorities and technology companies relate. The information was released in the new report published on the CAF Portal.

The qualification for Córdoba in the “Digital Government” category was 100 points along with the Ibero-American cities of Medellín, Lisbon, Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Buenos Aires and Mendoza. While in the “Govtech Policy Environment” category the rating was 100 points, along with the Spanish city of Alicante.}

To receive this recognition, the Municipality made strong progress in massive digital transformation. More than a hundred procedures have already been digitized; and for promoting the technological entrepreneurial ecosystem through the public-private alliance, with the Córdoba Smart City Fund, unique in Latin America.

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In this regard, the report highlights: “Córdoba’s performance in the governance pillar resulted in the highest score of the cities in our study due to its strong foundation of local policies to foster public sector innovation. In particular, Córdoba stood out as the only Latin American city in our study that has implemented a strategy for Govtech, in the form of the Córdoba Smart City fund and its principles”

The report then continues to highlight the initiative of the Córdoba Smart City Fund: “Clearly betting on startups, the program offers citizens and companies in Córdoba a clear understanding of the role that small businesses will play in building the city’s future and the ability to hold city officials accountable for the progress made toward this vision. “Córdoba must be congratulated for creating a fund reserved for the stimulation of Govtech in the city.”

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The Secretary of Planning, Modernization and International Relations of the Municipality of Córdoba remarked that “obtaining this type of international recognition makes us proud and reaffirms our will to make Córdoba a beacon for other cities in the world.”

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For its part, Luciano Crisafulli, Manager of CorLab, highlighted the importance of the study published by CAF: “The growth of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem throughout the Region is a great opportunity for Governments to exponentially accelerate the implementation of innovative solutions.”

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For his part, the General Director of Digital Transformation, Nicolás Pérez Aguila, stated: “We are proud to have this international recognition, since after three and a half years of work we went from analogue and paper management to a Digital Government that It puts Córdoba at the top, along with the large metropolises. In turn, it allows us to align the strategy of incorporating technology that further accelerates the transformation such as interoperability, cybersecurity from design, the use of blockchain, among others.”

#Digital #Government #Córdoba #Capital #received #highest #rating #equal #European #Madrid #Barcelona

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