Digital Economy Blog – Uber Eats Delivery Robot

2023-08-20 09:35:51

From now on, the robots will be seen daily in the streets. Thousands of delivery robots have been deployed for Uber Eats.

Uber Eats have partnered with Service Robotics, a startup that provides robotic delivery service.

Robots are programmable machines that can sometimes completely replace humans for some tasks, but for others they will need human intervention.

Robots work through the integration of sensors and activators, which are essential for performing tasks, sometimes being completely autonomous, but sometimes the robot must be controlled by a human.

Implementing robotic delivery in Uber Eats has a lot of positive impacts on the business of the company, especially on the following points:

The robot is efficient thanks to the quality, precision and speed of service. This helps to meet delivery deadlines and avoid human errors. Especially since there will always be delivery people even in rainy weather and without even having to pay more for delivery.

Robots provide Uber Eats by Service Robotics have Autonomy Level 4. This level allows the robot to provide autonomous service without the intervention of humans.

  • Avoid problems between the delivery person and the customer.

Sometimes it can happen that there is a problem between the customer and the delivery person, including and without limitation the following cases:

  • When either the delivery person or the customer speaks in an unprofessional manner with the other;
  • But also when delivery people take orders and do not deliver them to customers.

Uber Eats’ robotic delivery has seen great success since its rollout. Delivery through this robotic service is growing every month by a percentage of 30% with the participation of more than 200 restaurants in Los Angeles.

What do you think ?

Will human delivery people disappear? Or

Will the success of delivery robots stop?,de%20deux%20domaines%20compl%C3%A8tement%20diff%C3%A9rents.

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