Digital Economy Blog – Fashion Innovation: Project Primrose

2023-11-14 18:10:25

On October 15, 2023, during the Adobe MAX 2023 event, the technology company presented, through its developer the researcher and scientist Christine Dierk, the new project called PRIMROSE.

The new technology presented by Adobe can be connected with the company’s other products in order to allow the flexibility of models and encourage creativity in fashion.

According to Adobe, “using flexible, non-woven connected textiles, an entire surface can display content created with Adobe Firefly, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Stock and Adobe Illustrator. Designers can integrate this technology into clothing, furniture and more”

How it works?

With the advancement of smart materials technology, the company had the opportunity to connect a case with a more fluid object, fabrics. The dress worn by Christine Dierke uses reflective light diffuser modules featuring a polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) on the back which is reflective, this allows the dress to “change” the colors by changing the refraction of the material thus allowing a multitude of designs. The flexibility of soft connected textiles and the way PDLC works makes it possible to transform the design of the dress into animation. In addition, the dress has sensors that track the movement of the person wearing it, which allows the design to move according to the user’s movement.

A vision for the future

This technology seems to change the way, in the future, of designing clothes since designs do not need to be fixed and, in addition, is a new canvas for artists. Several artists are already accustomed to using digital tools to prepare their arts, the dress will allow a materialization of digitized art, whether frozen or animated.

This dress fits perfectly into the concept “Fashion is art” because it allows the wearer to become a work of art in themselves. With this vision, it seems that the fashion world is facing a great change that can give rise to a new fashion market: animated and homemade fashion. However, it is difficult to determine how long this might take to become established given that the technology is new and still very expensive.


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