Digital Economy Blog – A nickname is all you need…

2024-10-28 09:06:00

Today, our society revolves around personal data found where we least expect it. In France, 92% of households have Internet access and 58% of them play video games.

In addition, players adopt a nickname allowing a form of anonymity. This one, seemingly innocuous, can be a real mine of information about you. In the digital environment, it is essential to identify what information we leave behind and how it can be used.

So, what does your nickname really say about you? Between virtual identity and reality, let’s dive together into a subject at the crossroads of psychology and digital privacy.

The nickname, personal data under the prism of the GDPR

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into force in 2018 with the aim of regulating the processing of personal data. It creates precedence for individuals vis-à-vis actors, processing personal data thanks to personal rights. In addition, it makes it possible to harmonize the regulations governing the different actors through cooperation between data protection authorities. Concerning the field of video games, the GDPR applies to the pseudonym and defines it as personal data if it allows a person to be re-identified.

Based on this principle, video game platforms and developers are therefore subject to the principles of the GDPR which they must respect. In particular, by informing users about how their data is processed and used, obtaining explicit consent for certain forms of processing and guaranteeing users’ rights such as access, rectification and deletion of their data. Therefore, if a player decides to change or delete his nickname which directly links him to his identity, the platform processing this information must allow him to do so in accordance with the transparency and security obligations imposed by the GDPR.

Thus, pseudonymization is not sufficient for the preservation of anonymity which remains a priority in the video game field. Players, young and old, must be aware that their virtual identity can be sensitive data, especially when it is crossed with other information. Knowledge of the GDPR rules is therefore necessary and essential to guarantee players, especially the youngest, to keep control over their information and that they are not exposed to risks linked to their privacy.

A nickname is all you need to know about a person’s life.

By taking the example of an anonymized person, we will demonstrate that we are unaware of the dangers that our personal data may face in the field of video games. For example, let’s imagine a player who is very angry at having lost his game against a stranger and decides to go on a vindictive crusade against this player. All he has is a nickname: Player_1. His first instinct is to type his nickname into Google. Lucky for him, this person decided to use his nickname and his name on Instagram! Our crusader now has his IRL (In Real Life) identity.

In addition, by searching a little through his Instagram followers and via his posts, the player seeking revenge now knows his political opinions.

With more Google searches, thanks to his first and last name, he discovers that this person has several social networks for everyone to see and displays personal information. In particular, his IP address on a Twitch replay, his professional activity, via the TikTok application and even his postal address on his Twitter!

In his role as a video game crusader, he discovers through his nickname that he has an armory page on a video game called World of Warcraft. The latter allows you to identify a character, obtain the name of their gaming team called a “guild” and their character’s equipment, which indirectly reflects their playing time.

Lately, thanks to the character’s nickname found on the armory, he can now see the person’s “logs” via affiliated sites like Raider IO or Warcraft Log. These are files containing an individual’s game data transcribed on the Internet. Thanks to these logs, the crusader obtains a maddening amount of information, including investment, performance, game times, as well as his rank in his guild and his responsibilities. All this information directly or indirectly reflects the investment and therefore the playing time that the person devotes daily to their video gaming activity.

A nickname is all you need! That’s all it took to find: the person’s name, address, friend group, IP address andt his employer. All this with just a surface search!

This example of a vindictive gambler could very well be real, this same person could easily damage the person’s life while escaping any form of legal consequence. In particular, via denunciations of his political opinions on Twitter, isolating him from his friends who do not have the same opinions, by DDOS of his IP address, or by sending his playing schedules to his employer, explaining why he arrives late and very tired in the morning. Ultimately, personal data collected using a pseudonym potentially makes it possible to destroy the reputation in the person’s digital or real life.

In a second part, published in November, we will see how to protect your digital image, the solutions provided by platforms which are often double-edged and that as a last resort, you must use the tools put in place by the CNIL.

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**Interview with Dr. Claire Durand, Digital Privacy Expert**

**Interviewer:** Thank you for joining us today, Dr. Durand. ⁣With the increasing prevalence of video gaming and online anonymity, can you explain how‍ a simple ‌gaming nickname can ‍expose personal information?

**Dr. Durand:** Absolutely, and thank you for having me. While players⁢ often⁢ use nicknames to maintain anonymity, these pseudonyms⁢ can be a gateway to much more sensitive ‍information. ‌When​ someone searches for ‌a gaming alias, they may inadvertently trace back to an individual’s real identity. This is particularly concerning when social media profiles and gaming accounts are‍ intertwined.

**Interviewer:** You mentioned the impact of the GDPR. How does‍ this regulation ‍help in protecting ​players when⁤ it comes to their online identities?

**Dr. Durand:** The GDPR provides a framework for protecting⁢ personal data in the digital age. While it recognizes pseudonyms as personal data ​if they⁤ can link back‍ to an individual, it‌ imposes obligations on platforms to inform users about data ‌processing and ensure they have control over their information. This means that if a player wants to change or delete a nickname linked to their real life, the platform must ‍comply with those requests.

**Interviewer:** ‍It’s alarming ‍how⁢ much ⁤information can be gathered from a nickname. Could you provide ⁢an example of this?

**Dr. Durand:** ⁢Certainly. Take the scenario of ​a player, let’s call him Player_1. If another player becomes angry and searches for⁤ Player_1, they might ‌find that nickname linked to social media ⁣accounts, which can then reveal details such as political views, location, and even personal interactions. This can‌ lead⁤ to harassment or other privacy violations ⁤in the real‌ world.

**Interviewer:** How can players enhance their⁤ digital privacy⁢ and minimize risks associated with‍ their nicknames?

**Dr. Durand:** Players should be prudent about the information they⁢ share ‍online and ensure that they use unique nicknames that don’t correlate with their real identities. Additionally, they should review​ their​ privacy settings on social‍ media platforms, ‌limit the visibility of their accounts, and be aware ⁣of⁣ what personal information is easily accessible. ‍Education about⁢ GDPR and its implications‌ is also vital, particularly for younger gamers who may not fully grasp ⁤the risks⁣ involved.

**Interviewer:** Lastly, what role do⁢ you think developers and gaming platforms should ​play in ensuring user‍ privacy?

**Dr. Durand:** Developers‍ must prioritize user privacy by implementing stringent data protection⁤ measures, offering clear information about how​ user data is processed, and facilitating users’ ⁢rights under GDPR.‍ Regular updates⁢ and user education campaigns can ⁣also keep⁣ players informed and help them⁣ make safer ⁢choices online.

**Interviewer:** Thank​ you, Dr. Durand, for offering such valuable insights into the intersection of digital⁣ privacy and gaming.

**Dr. Durand:** Thank you for having‌ me;​ it’s​ a crucial topic that deserves ongoing attention and ‌awareness.

**Interviewer:** Thank you for joining us today, Dr. Durand. With the increasing prevalence of video gaming and online anonymity, can you explain how a simple gaming nickname can expose personal information?

**Dr. Durand:** Absolutely, and thank you for having me. While players often use nicknames to maintain anonymity, these pseudonyms can serve as gateways to much more sensitive information. When someone searches for a gaming alias, they may inadvertently trace it back to an individual’s real identity. This concern is amplified when social media profiles and gaming accounts are interconnected.

**Interviewer:** You mentioned the impact of the GDPR. How does this regulation help in protecting players when it comes to their online identities?

**Dr. Durand:** The GDPR provides a framework for protecting personal data in the digital age. It recognizes pseudonyms as personal data if they can link back to an individual. This regulation imposes obligations on platforms to inform users about data processing and ensures they have control over their information. For instance, if a player wants to change or delete a nickname linked to their real identity, the platform must comply with those requests.

**Interviewer:** It’s alarming how much information can be gathered from a nickname. Could you provide an example of this?

**Dr. Durand:** Certainly. Let’s consider a player we’ll call Player_1. If another player gets angry and searches for Player_1 online, they might find that nickname linked to social media accounts, which could reveal details like political views, location, and even personal relationships. This information can lead to real-world harassment and other privacy violations, emphasizing the importance of being cautious about the information tied to our online identities.

**Interviewer:** Given the potential risks, what steps can players take to protect their identities online?

**Dr. Durand:** Players should be mindful of the information they share both within and outside the gaming world. It’s wise to use separate accounts for gaming and social media, and to avoid linking those accounts whenever possible. Additionally, being aware of the privacy settings on various platforms and using tools provided by data protection authorities, like the CNIL in France, can help safeguard one’s information.

**Interviewer:** Thank you for sharing these insights, Dr. Durand. It’s clear that protecting our digital identities is more crucial than ever in this age of online gaming.

**Dr. Durand:** Thank you for having me. It’s a topic that deserves attention, and I’m glad we could discuss its implications for players and their privacy.

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