Digital Days: These experts are coming to Linz

The next Digital Days will take place on October 2nd and 3rd in the Promenaden Galerien in Linz. Numerous experts will be there to talk about digital transformation, artificial intelligence, online marketing and current topics in digitalization such as digital sustainability and the future of online retail in the heart of the Upper Austrian capital. The list of speakers is impressive – here we show you a small excerpt from the varied program.

Google Austria boss Maimuna Mosser will be the keynote speaker. Her vision for the Internet group includes deepening existing partnerships and building new relationships. At the Digital Days, she will speak about Google AI and its potential for the Austrian economy.

Company founder and digitalization expert Maximilian Böger In his lecture, he will focus on innovations and new business models that will change our world and on the opportunities and challenges this will bring for companies.

Content-Creatorin Anna Strigl regularly advises brands on how to create authentic and successful online marketing campaigns. The influencer also shares her knowledge and experience at the Digital Days.

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Anna Strigl
Image: private

Mladen Krajinovic is responsible for George, the online banking of Sparkasse OÖ. At the Digital Days, he takes a look behind the scenes and gives an outlook on new innovations.

Start-up expert Gerold Weisz knows numerous examples of creative approaches to starting a business. In his master class, he explains how these can be put into practice.

JKU Professor Sepp Hochreiter explains the world of the AI ​​Act to us. He discusses with other experts the opportunities and risks that come with regulating artificial intelligence.

With its “Run for the Oceans” initiative, Chris Thaller our awareness of protecting the world’s oceans. At the Digital Days, he shows how digital platforms can help solve global challenges and at the same time enable positive economic developments for companies.

On digitaldays. you will find the numerous other speakers and the complete program. You can also secure your tickets here.



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