In your opinion, what are the challenges for artists or even art dealers when art “moves” into the metaverse, Jan? Do we still need galleries or exhibitions?
Jan Karnath: We are currently in the midst of a massive change that is being driven by an entire generation: Digital goods are gaining value – with everything that this development entails. Today, through the Metaverse, everyone is able to design their own exhibition and curate works. Through the Metaverse, everyone can become a curator themselves, which supposedly dwindles the former influence of galleries, museums and exhibitions. This certainly poses challenges for classic art dealers, with great potential at the same time. It is of fundamental importance to understand this development for what it is: as a possibility, as Johann König does, for example. König manages to translate his rooms digitally, to design hybrid models and thus to lead the way as a pioneer. The boundaries between the real world and the metaverse are blurring, and this overlap creates a sweet spot that has great potential for disruption and will fundamentally change an entire industry.