Digital account at Banco de Venezuela (Requirements)

Take advantage of the opportunity to open a digital account at Banco de Venezuela (BDV), with few requirements and steps.

This banking entity offers a digital account to its users for carrying out transactions. financial operations mobile application BDV.

Advantages of opening your digital account at Banco de Venezuela

  • You can open your account from anywhere
  • The application is dynamic, simple and secure
  • It opens with few precautions
  • Available 24 hours a day


  • Have a phone with Android 8.0 operating system or higher.
  • Email.
  • Phone number.
  • Identity document
  • Current Tax Information Registry (RIF)

Steps to open your digital account

  • Download our mobile app BDVApp.
  • Select I want to open an account at BDV and scan your documents.
  • Fill in your details and register your cell phone number.
  • Create your username, password and that’s it, you are now a customer. BDV.
  • Remember that you have 30 days to update your data and authenticate your fingerprint on our Biopago devicesBDV or at the agency of your choice.
  • If you are already a customer BDVyou can create a new account by entering your BDVApp via the route: Services > open an account in national currency.
Active account at Banco de Venezuela.
at the Bank of Venezuela
at the Bank of Venezuela

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#Digital #account #Banco #Venezuela #Requirements
2024-08-27 09:35:09



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