2023-06-18 12:49:31
Yaroslav Grigoriev
37 minutes ago
Anna Sedokova and Janis Timma
The expert spoke regarding what is happening in the star couple. It seems that the aging singer does not have much reason for optimism.
Last week, 40-year-old Anna Sedokova once more attracted the attention of the press, first quarreling publicly, and then reconciling with her 30-year-old husband Janis Timma and leaking an intimate video. According to experts, there are deep conflicts and contradictions behind such behavior. And the ex-soloist of VIA Gra herself did not hide the fact that it was hard for her to satisfy a man ten years younger than her in bed. Sexologist and Gestalt therapist Lyubov Rozenberg says that the coincidence of temperaments in couples (especially of different ages) happens infrequently.
“Usually, partners somehow agree and complement their differences in the sexual constitution with other manifestations of intimacy and love. It is quite possible that Anna Sedokova receives a lot of attention and care from her husband, and Janis Timma receives from his wife something that brings him satisfaction, ”the specialist notes.
However, the search for compromises is possible in sexual relations. According to Rosenberg, with age, the differences can be completely smoothed out: the fact is that women’s intimate desires are not limited by age, but men’s libido decreases. On the other hand, as the sexologist emphasizes, in a couple no one should follow the lead of the partner and do what they don’t want. It is important to remember that sex is one of the manifestations of love.
“Every couple goes through different stages of a relationship through crises in family life. Sex, as an important part of a relationship, is both a cause of conflict and a way of reconciliation. If attraction to a partner decreases, then you need to figure out what is wrong in the relationship, ”concluded Lyubov Rosenberg in an interview with StarHit.
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