Dietary habits to prevent fatal ‘osteoporosis’ in old age

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Osteoporosis is one of the representative diseases with no symptoms at all. Gradually, without any symptoms, the bone tissue weakens, and at some point, a fracture is found in the hospital. Since there are no symptoms and it is difficult to confirm the effect of taking medicine, it is easy to regard it as insignificant. However, fractures due to osteoporosis often recur, and fractures in old age can be life threatening, so prevention and management are important.

After menopause, osteoporosis is common due to hormone decline.

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones themselves become weak like a sponge with a hole in them, making them easily breakable. If the T-score, which evaluates bone density, is lower than -1.0 and higher than -2.5, it is called osteopenia, and if the T-score is lower than -2.5, it is called osteoporosis. There are no symptoms that the patient feels at all, so it is often discovered only following the bone is broken. In particular, once a fracture has occurred, it is easy to re-fracture.

According to the National Health Review and Assessment Service’s statistics on diseases of public interest, the number of patients seeking a hospital for osteoporosis reached 1,126,861 in 2021 alone. Of these, 1,061,874 female patients accounted for nearly 95% of all patients. Especially in women, it surged following menopause due to a decrease in hormones. Male and female hormones play a role in sending calcium to bones, and as female hormones decrease during menopause, it greatly affects bone density. In fact, during the first 5 to 10 years following menopause, bone density can decrease by regarding 25 to 30 percent.

If you are afraid of a fracture due to osteoporosis, you should prepare for it by measuring your bone density in advance. Postmenopausal women and men over 50 are advised to take it once. If there is a family history of osteoporotic fractures, early menopause, chronic diseases, long-term drug use, excessive drinking and smoking, it is necessary to be examined. If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you should start treatment right away.

Needs a habit of filling bone health from a young age

Bone tissue, which was strongest between the ages of 10 and 20, gradually weakens as we age. The strongest bone condition during a lifetime is called ‘maximal bone mass’, and the maximum bone mass determines bone health throughout the rest of one’s life. To prevent osteoporosis, it is best to increase the maximum bone mass sufficiently from a young age. Genetic tendencies are the most important factor in peak bone mass, but physical activities such as walking and running during adolescence and sufficient intake of vitamin D can help.

After becoming an adult, you should have the right lifestyle that helps bone health. Refrain from smoking and excessive drinking, and try to have regular exercise and a healthy diet. It is good to do aerobic exercise for 150 minutes or more per week and strength-training exercise for 2 or more times a week. Since exercise itself suppresses aging and increases stamina and balance, it is highly recommended as it can reduce the risk of falls. Calcium and vitamin D intake are the most important for osteoporosis, but it is best to have a healthy diet that consumes all nutrients evenly.

Dietary habits to prevent osteoporosis

1. Protein 3-4 times a day
2. At least 2 kinds of vegetables for each meal
3. 1-2 fruits daily
4. Eat 1-2 cups of milk and dairy products daily

Osteoporosis prevention lifestyle

1. Refrain from smoking and excessive drinking.
2. Perform at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise and two or more muscle-strengthening exercises every week.
3. Maintain a healthy diet with a balanced intake of all nutrients.
4. Supplements can be used if necessary, but excessive intake should be avoided.
5. Have a habit of sun exposure to synthesize vitamin D.

If fractured, treat as soon as possible

The most important goal of osteoporosis treatment is the prevention of fractures. Bone density is increased through oral medication or injection treatment in severe cases. In particular, in the case of osteoporosis patients who have suffered a fracture, refracture can occur at any time, so active treatment is needed as quickly as possible. You should not neglect treatment just because you have passed the dangerous juncture. Even with drug treatment, bone density does not become normal in a very low state, and since bone density naturally decreases with age, it is important to maintain bone density through steady treatment.

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