Dietary Guidelines for Seniors with Diabetes: Advice from a Nutritionist

2024-07-25 10:58:54

What are the nutritional recommendations for older adults with diabetes?

For people with diabetes, “Above all, respect Overall nutritional balance, By choosing foods carefully and maintaining certain physical activities. this is forimitation rate changes Daytime blood sugar levels,” Cécilia Vaucelle, nutritionist at Pôle Santé Sud in Le Mans explains.

Diabetes: What to Eat?

On distinction 7 food groups : Fruits and vegetables; Meat, fish and eggs; Cereals; Dairy products; Fatty substances; Beverages and sugary products.

for cereals

Starchy foods—bread, pasta, rice—should be whole foods. They are rich in fiber, which slows the digestion of food, thereby slowing the rise in blood sugar levels. Cécilia Vaucelle, nutritionist

In fact, whole-wheat bread provides 7 grams of fiber, compared with 2.4 grams of French bread; whole-wheat pasta provides 4 grams, compared with 2 grams of classic pasta; and whole-wheat rice provides 1.8 grams, compared with 0.4 grams of white rice. .

for vegetables

“Vegetables must be on the menu at every meal. Cecilia Wassell recalled. They are rich in fiber and act on How quickly carbohydrates are absorbed Foods containing starches can create a better feeling of satiety. That’s why it’s importantPlace vegetables and starchy foods on plates. »

The most fiber-rich vegetables It’s broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, artichokes, salsify. As for mushrooms, asparagus and cabbage, they have the least amount of carbohydrates. On the other hand, sweet potatoes, carrots, and beets contain more of them.

for fruits

If fruit must also be on the daily menu,” suggestion No more than two fruits a day, The latter contains an average of 2 standard sugar cubes, Cécilia Vaucelle explains. Be especially careful with grapes, cherries and bananas, which should not be eaten more than once a day. Due to its high carbohydrate content: between 12 and 23 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams. »

As for oilseed fruits, 4 Contains a small amount of carbohydrates. The situation is like this walnut and Macadamia Contains 5 grams per 100 grams, brazil nuts 6 grams per 100 grams, hazelnut Contains 7 grams per 100 grams. “Elderly people with diabetes are not contraindicated in eating oily fruits.”, explains the nutritionist. They mainly provide fatty acids, but are only recommended if older people are accustomed to eating them. They can be difficult to chew and may pose a swallowing risk. »

Suitable for meat, fish, eggs

« As for meat, fish and eggsrecommended for consumption Once or twice a day for their contribution Protein,” nutritionists warn.

For drinks

Good daily hydration is also important: “You should drink 1.5 liters of water every day and don’t add sugar to hot drinks””, advises Cécilia Vaucelle.

What foods should people with diabetes avoid?

You must eliminate sugary products from your diet, such as candies, cakes, and pastries, which can quickly raise blood sugar levels. Examples include sauces, honey, spreads, sugary drinks, but also ultra-processed products, cold meats, alcohol, certain sauces (ketchup, barbecue, etc.) because they contain sugar.

In fact, these products contain simple carbohydrates is quickly absorbed by the body and This also rapidly increases blood sugar. for example, A liter of soda water can contain up to 25 sugar cubes ! As for alcohol, sweet liquors and cocktails are the drinks with the most sugar.

If it is recommended to eat two pieces of fresh fruit every day, “Dried fruits, on the other hand, are not of interest to older diabetics unless hypoglycemia occurs””, explains Cécilia Vaucelle.

What is the ideal menu for diabetics?

This menu is equally suitable for seniors with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. “A typical day includes three meals and possibly snacks”, designated nutritionist. Here are his suggestions.

diabetes diet

breakfast : 1 hot drink without sugar or with added sugar + 1 cereal product (rusks, wholemeal or rye bread, cereal bread, etc.) + 10 g of cream or 1 oatmeal cereal + 1 dairy product.Lunch : A plate of raw vegetables (or 1 soup in winter) + 1 meat, fish or egg with pasta, rice, quinoa, etc. + green vegetables + 1 yogurt or 1 cheese or 1 slice of cheese + 1 fruit or 1 preserve.notgood to know : “For older adults with a loss of appetite, dairy products and fruit can be included as afternoon snacks.” Cecilia Wassell suggested.dinner : “It’s structured in the same way as dinner,” the nutritionist explains, because you have to account for the long night and avoid waking up with low blood sugar. You can cut the protein content in half and serve it with starches, vegetables, dairy products and fruits. »
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