Diet to lose 5 kg in a month

If we want to achieve lasting results, to lose weight goes beyond the simple weightloss. It is regarding adopting a healthy lifestyle which, even following having been able to lose weight, will allow us to keep our fit weight over time. lose weight fast is possible but as quickly as it happens to pick up the lost pounds. Restrictive diets, low calorie diets, where there is a drastic reduction in nutrients, can work in the short term, but to stay fit we need to follow a healthy healthy diet. For lose body fatthis is real weight loss unlike weight loss we have to follow a diet which then balances the main nutrients i.e. carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Lose 5 kg in a month: here’s how to do it
vary the
food in this way we make the metabolism always active. A varied diet also helps us to have fewer culinary temptations.
Do not skip main mealsespecially breakfast Snacks should be eaten 3 hours before or following main meals to keep your metabolism active.
We reduce daily calorie intake, but we do not have to make our own mind, it will be the specialist to whom we have called, the dietician or the nutritionist, to draw up a food plan adapted to our characteristics. It should be borne in mind that a woman has a daily calorie requirement of 1200 calories, which would be dangerous for health to fall below this threshold. A simple thing to do is to keep a food diary where you can record the calories of foods that are part of our diet.
We don’t cut down or eliminate food, but we do reduce portions. It’s simple to follow but very effective. For example, for pasta it is better not to exceed 80 grams, since meat does not exceed 150 grams.
We eat slowly, because slow chewing promotes digestion. Eating in a hurry not only does not make us fully savor food, but it consumes us less.
As far as seasonings are concerned, we use little salt and extra virgin olive oil, the main ingredient of the Mediterranean diet that cannot be missing from our tables. We do not exceed more than one tablespoon per meal.
Cook as easily as possible. For example, which method of cooking food is to avoid frying, to prefer boiling, grilling or steaming. Avoid convenience foods as the convenience is paid for as they are high in preservatives.
Sleep the right number of hours is also important to be able to lose weight. makes it more difficult to lose weight because the body reacts with the production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone.
Weighing no more than once a weekdoing it several times might become an obsession and condition us with the diet in a negative way.
Burn as many calories as possible with physical activity. Choose the physical activity that suits you best: brisk walking, cycling and running are ideal. Try to follow a routine: run half an hour a day or walk for an hour.

What to eat to lose 5 pounds in a month
Among the foods that will be an integral part of the diet include fruits and the vegetables. These foods containing fiber, vitamins and minerals, while increasing the feeling of satiety, promote digestion. As we will see, a serving of fruits and vegetables is also good as a morning and followingnoon snack to replace high calorie foods such as sausages, fries, desserts and ice cream. Dried fruits (walnuts and almonds) are ideal for a snack provided you do not overdo it because they are rather caloric. If snacking is synonymous with sweetness for you, you can opt for a square of dark chocolate. Meat will also be part of our menu to lose weight 5 kilos in a month, but we prefer white instead of red, and in any case we do not eat it more than 2 times a week. Carbohydrates, if demonized, should not be eliminated, but it is better to use whole carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.
Instead, foods containing animal fats should be avoided, so cold cuts, cream. Fats such as lard, lard to be replaced with olive oil should be avoided. Cheeses should instead be limited to once a week following the first 10 days of dieting.
As for drinks, carbonated and sugary drinks, alcohol, should be avoided, as they are high in calories. Otherwise, tea and herbal teas are good but without adding sugar. To maintain an appropriate level of hydration, we drink no less than 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

Lose 5 Pounds in a Month: Sample Menu
This is the sample menu you can follow to lose 5 pounds in a month. Of course, before you start, talk to your doctor because a diet should always be personalized. Suffice it to say that two people of the same age, with common physical characteristics, such as height, age, weight, it does not say that the same diet has benefits for both. Different from person to person.
Breakfast : it is the most important meal of the day. You can choose from different options. We suggest a few: a glass of skimmed milk or low-fat yogurt, or coffee or tea, both with fresh fruit and nuts or almonds.
Snacks : a low-fat yogurt or a pressed fruit, a handful of dried fruit or a seasonal fruit of your choice, avoiding those with more calories such as persimmons and bananas. Yes also, for snacks containing protein, for example protein bars.
Breakfast : complete sandwich or bresaola with raw vegetables or whole wheat pasta with seasonal vegetables.
To taste : a low-fat yoghurt or a handful of dried fruit.
Having dinner : chicken with boiled potatoes or fish accompanied by salad or whole wheat pasta with choice vegetables or two eggs (no more than once a week).

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