Die Geissens Settle Accounts with Michael Wendler: Exclusive Podcast Reveals Their Motives

2023-08-12 23:31:04

Robert and Carmen Geiss publicly positioned themselves against Michael Wendler in March and called for his documentary to be stopped. Now the “Die Geissens” stars are laying down and explaining their motives.

Monaco – When RTL2 announced in March that they wanted to shoot a documentary about the happiness of Michael Wendler (51) and Laura Müller (23), Robert (59) and Carmen Geiss (58) spoke out against it and even threatened their home broadcaster with that exit. In their new podcast, “Die Geissens” came back to this scandal and once again distributed against the discredited pop singer.

“Had to show remorse first”: The Geissens settle accounts with Michael Wendler

In the new SWR3 podcast “1 plus 1 – Temporary Friendship”, the jet set couple chats with Hazel Brugger (29) and Thomas Spitzer (34) about their lives. They also talk about their public Zoff with Wendler. The fact that he wanted to return to RTL2 a few months ago is still unimaginable for the Geissens.

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Robert Geiss finally settled accounts with Wendler in the podcast: “If you want the right to another second chance, which he talked about, you should first pay off your debt. You should deal with the people you offended, who are waiting for the money, who tried to advertise with him.” The entrepreneur also said: “He should have shown remorse before you go out and say: ‘The Wendlers are having a baby’ and then put forward a woman who is pregnant and is trying to make money from these emotions.”

A clear statement was therefore necessary for the Geissens. “It was about everything. It was about station policy, it was about the fact that he never apologized and says he’s getting a second chance now and everything is forgotten, but before that he insulted everyone. Denied Corona, et cetera,” Robert raged. For the couple, it was “too easy to think”.

The Geissens did not start their TV career on RTL2

Since 2011, fans of Carmen and Rooobert have been able to follow their everyday life in luxury on RTL2 with “The Geissens – a terribly glamorous family”. But what many do not know: they were first seen on the Vox show “Goodbye Germany”, but soon got out again. The entrepreneur was too bothered by the clear contrast between his life of luxury and those who still have to fight for their existence abroad.

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“I’m a person who never forgets”: Wendler even owes money to Carmen Geiss’ brother-in-law

Carmen Geiss, who recently surprised her changed face, made her opinion clear. “I am a person who never forgets and this man received a brutal platform from RTL. […] At the time he spoke very badly about the station, you know that, it was written everywhere. Then there was the fact that he got deals, including from my brother-in-law, who still gets the money from him today,” revealed the mother of two.

Carmen and Robert Geiss positioned themselves openly against Michael Wendler after his documentary announcement. Now the jet set couple follows suit and settles accounts with the pop singer. © IMAGO / Noah Wedel & IMAGO / Smith

However, the “She loves the DJ” interpreter does not seem to be deterred by all of this – quite the opposite. Michael Wendler is said to be working on his comeback and even has a new album in the works. Sources used: SWR3 podcast “1 plus 1 – temporary friendship”, episode 1

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