Did you see it?: Patricia Venegas noted live an obvious mistake on behalf of Gabriel Boric at the US Summit | TV and Show

The journalists did not miss the error that occurred in the event when presenting the president at the Summit of the Americas in the United States.

As part of his tour of the United States, the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, arrived at the Summit of the Americas, in California, United States, where he made his own presentation representing the country.

Thus, Boric made a call to the big businessmen to be able to invest in the country. However, beyond his message, there was a small mistake that caught the attention of his compatriots.

And it is that, at the time of going up to the stage to give his speech, the screen of the event presented him as “his excellence Gabriel Brolic. President of the Republic of Chile”.

This mistake, confused the last name Boric for Brolicdid not go unnoticed on social networks as well as the same journalists who spoke of the words given by the authority.

“Hey, the bionic eye of Patricia Venegas, which always sees the errors of the GCs, realized that when President Gabriel Boric appears, he does not say Boric”Humberto Sichel commented with a funny tone in the middle of the news.

“Paty read it and told me: ‘Is it my idea or does Brolic say?’. And it’s true, when he is speaking, ‘Gabriel Brolic’ appears, is misspelled”he pointed.

“It’s a detail, I don’t know if the rest noticed”Venegas added with a laugh.

After the moment lived, the moderators of the event would also have realized the mistake in the president’s last name, since in the official images shared by the GovernmentGabriel Boric’s name appears spelled correctly.

In his speech, Boric also highlighted the changes that have taken place in the country, highlighting also the constituent process.


Likewise, in social networks they also highlighted the error, where They even compared him to a character from the Dragon Ball saga.



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