Did Rodrigo Cuba confirm that he will be a father? Soccer player raises suspicions by celebrating goal | Ale Venturo Magaly Medina entertainment RMMN | SHOWS

Updated on 08/27/2022 07:46 am

In the middle of the judicial battle that he maintains with his ex-wife Melissa Paredes, the soccer player Rodrigo Cuba gains notoriety again after raising suspicions about the pregnancy of his current partner, Ale Venturo.

The Sport Boys defender surprised with his peculiar celebration after scoring two goals in the match against ADT de Tarma in Villa El Salvador, which ended with a ‘pink’ victory by 2-1.

After scoring the second goal, the ‘Cat’ Cuba put his finger to his mouth to simulate a pacifier, which suggests that the goal would be dedicated to the baby who is on the way.

(Photo: ATV Capture)

Will Rodrigo Cuba have a girl?

Magaly Medina pointed out in her program this Friday that reliable sources confirmed that Ale Venturo is pregnant, and that apparently she would have a girl with Rodrigo Cuba.

As she pointed out, she had access to a pregnancy test that confirms that the young woman is in sweet expectation after eight months of relationship with the player. “That gesture (of Rodrigo Cuba) is that he is going to become the father and father of a little woman again”he added.

The “Urraca” also highlighted that Ale Venturo hides his abdomen in the photos he uploads to social networks, and that the reason is because he still does not plan to reveal this news.


The list of songs that the Colombian singer, Shakira, dedicated to her ex-partners

The list of songs that the Colombian singer, Shakira, dedicated to her ex-partners
Shakira’s songs are full of references to her romantic relationships, from her first boyfriends to her last, Gerard Piqué, to whom she would have also dedicated a few lines alluding to her alleged infidelity. In this video we will review the romantic hymns of the Colombian singer and who they were addressed to.
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