“Did anyone hear a scream?” – The Time

New, disturbing details emerge in the case of the discovery of two bodies of dead newborns in the garden of a villa in Vignale di Traversetolo, in the province of Parma. A 22-year-old student is being investigated for premeditated voluntary homicide and concealment of a corpse. When the second little body was found about ten days ago, the young woman, already investigated for having murdered the child born on August 7, was interrogated again and at that point she allegedly admitted to having killed the other newborn, born about a year ago. This is what we read in an article on Sky Tg24. As for the girl, “I would have put my hand in the fire,” the owner of the bar where the 22-year-old went with friends told Repubblica.

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“She didn’t drink, when she came here with friends at most she had a hot tea. All the guys in her circle are smart”, he also added. The young woman, in the eyes of the inhabitants of the village, seemed serene and did not let on that she had made chilling choices. “It’s impossible that it happened like this – commented a peer – unless she was Wonder Woman”. In fact, questions are being raised about the alleged lack of involvement of the people closest to the 22-year-old. “But if she wasn’t eating anymore, wasn’t that also a sign that should have made them suspicious?”, asked a woman. In Vignale, where the little bodies were found, many are asking: “How is it possible that no one heard a scream, a moan held back by clenched teeth, at the moment Chiara was giving birth?”, we read in Repubblica.

#hear #scream #Time
2024-09-20 11:22:45



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