Diane Kruger tells how Joshua Jackson changed her life

In a relationship with actor Joshua Jackson for ten years, Diane Kruger tells how he got her out of her bubble.

It has been ten years since Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson form a couple of the most in love. In a magazine interview Town & Countrythe actress confided in this meeting which changed her life, while she was going through an identity crisis around the age of 30. “Meeting someone like my partner, who has a very different point of view, who likes to travel in many ways and who is open to new experiences, has been very important”said Diane Kruger.

>>> Diane Kruger (For her, on France 3): already 10 years of love with Joshua Jackson! (38 PICTURES)

At the time, the actress felt like she was living in a bubble. “I didn’t really know what was going on in the world and I didn’t ask enough questions”recalls the 39-year-old actress, who then decided to “cut me off from people who made me stay in my bubble”. Diane Kruger et Joshua Jacksonthe star of the series Dawson, Fringe Where The Affairhave been in a relationship since 2006. The two actors began dating shortly following the divorce from Diane Kruger and Guillaume Canet.

>>> A perfect plan (TF1): Diane Kruger, an “Instagramer” like the others… and terribly sexy! (PICTURES)

In this interview, Diane Kruger also touched on his career and in particular a hot topic today in Hollywood, the pay gap between actors and actresses. “To this day, I have never received the same salary as a male partner, highlighted Diane Kruger. And absolutely, I was called a bitch or said that it was difficult to work with me when I dared to broach certain subjects.”

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