2023-11-05 22:40:00
The representative elected by La Libertad Avanza (LLA), Diana MondinoI affirm that “there was no agreement” between the presidential candidate, Javier Milei, the former president Mauricio Macri and the head of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich. In that sense, he clarified that the leaders of Together for Change (JxC) “expressed their support” for the libertarian space in view of the November 19 runoff that will pit the national deputy once morest the Minister of Economy and official candidate, Sergio Massa.
“There was no agreement. In fact, Patricia herself said that it would be arrogant of her to want to impose a program on us who entered the runoff,” Mondino stated in dialogue with Infobae. In this regard, the future chancellor in a possible Milei government stressed that JxC leaders “expressed their support for our spaceas happens in many countries where a third force is left out of the runoff and expresses its support for one of the two forces that are going to compete.
Diana Mondino compared Equal Marriage to “having lice”
Asked who would govern in the event of Milei’s eventual victory, whether the libertarian, Macri or a “double command”, the economist warned that “Milei is obviously going to govern”, something that “I have no doubt regarding.” “There are many of us and there will be even more of us who embrace the ideas of freedom,” she said. Likewise, she stated that both in LLA and JxC “we have many coincidences that Argentina needs structural reforms to change this decadent reality that we have suffered for decades.
Regarding the position of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) once morest the libertarian candidate, Mondino differed from the idea that it is a generalized position, arguing that “at most there will be some leader out there.” “On the contrary. The reality is that all Argentines, political leaders, businessmen, journalists or citizens have to ask ourselves if we want be complicit in the continuity that ‘super minister Massa’ represents or if we want to help build a change. Then everyone will see where they stand,” she said.
Diana Mondino denounced that there is “a very dirty campaign” once morest La Libertad Avanza
In addition to this, the elected representative denounced the existence of “a very dirty campaign” once morest libertarian space, although he clarified that it is “nothing new.” “The distortion, not to mention lies, that occurred these days is impressive,” she said. “With the audios or videos available, I don’t understand how someone might interpret them in such an absurd and malicious way. What’s more, it takes longer to read those fake news than to watch the full videos,” she said.
In this regard, he considered that it happens due to a series of reasons: “there are no concrete proposals from Massa, the economic situation is evidently terrible and everything is collapsing by leaps and bounds.” For this reason, he stated, “they try to divert attention with interpretations or invented news that are ridiculous”.
Diana Mondino proposes creating an “organ market” and modifying the Justina law
Along these lines, he indicated that There is a political sector that “intends to terrorize the population” saying that the libertarian space is “a danger to democracy.” “They are different things. Our proposal is to re-embrace the ideas of Juan Bautista Alberdi. There is nothing more democratic than that,” he argued.
And I add: “On the other side you have a political force that calls all its opponents Nazis., who wants to intervene in justice, intimidate the media, and overwhelm his political adversaries. “They boast of having ‘structure’ to literally steal votes and promote a holiday the day following the vote so that as few people as possible vote.”
One of the aspects mentioned was the accusations of misogyny in space, which seemed “impossible for it to be a generalized idea.” “The other days I heard it for the first time, I don’t understand it and it’s evident that it’s not like that. There are many women who work on the La Libertad Avanza teams. Enough of repeating inventions,” he said.
Furthermore, he highlighted that the LLA campaign and “in particular” that of Milei were carried out “without financial resources”: “With clear ideas, forcefulness in the message, showing the advantages of freedom and how useless it is to fill a country with regulations and controls and prohibitions. “He has managed to draw attention to ideas that are simple common sense anywhere in the world.”
Diana Mondino, on Milei’s call to the left: “Of the others they are the only ones who have proposals”
“The composition of Congress was already defined in the election on October 22. In the runoff, Argentines will vote for a president and Javier is already showing that he can be president of all Argentines“, he specified. In that sense, he announced that the population will face a “binary” election: “On one side is a candidate who represents the continuity of a decadent model that only benefits the political class and its friends. On the other side are those of us who defend the ideas of freedom. “We just use common sense.”
“We believe that lowering taxes, eliminating prohibitions and allowing work are the key to getting out of Argentina’s historical decline. We believe that continuing with the same old ways and the recipes that brought us here are a certainty of continuing to fall. It is time to begin to apply the rules and policies that allowed countries to grow and develop. The recipe is already written and it is nothing other than our National Constitution“he indicated.
Criticism of the ruling party: “This Massa government leaves a heavier legacy than imagined”

When asked regarding the current scenario of the country and the legacy of Massa’s management in front of the Treasury Palace, Mondino considered that “leaves a legacy heavier than anyone might have imagined”. Along these lines, he highlighted the social sphere as the most affected: “We all see that there is a distressing insecurity, tremendous difficulties in getting medical appointments or remedies, a very deteriorated educational system, arbitrariness in giving or not giving increases in pensions, and the list goes on. from problems”.
Regarding the economic approach, he warned that “It goes without saying that it is terrible management”. “From an economic point of view, we are in a crisis situation with much more inflation than when he took office, lower production, lower employment and very poor salaries,” he said.
“The worst economic legacy is the regulations that have generated backward and distorted prices for many products. This rearrangement will inevitably generate cost increases,” he stressed. In this regard, he explained that “the most obvious case” is that of the dollar and fuel, but he clarified that they are not the only ones. “We have already seen the shortage of gasoline and supplies. There is a lack of dollars to import essential components for the functioning of the local productive system. It is not even easy to export. The situation is serious and very difficult to solve“he concluded.
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