Dialogue is better than confrontation – – 2024-07-18 08:55:56

Sommeruni Bad Tuschnad

“On a better path” is the motto of this year’s Free Summer University of Baile Tusnad (Tusnádfürdő/ Bad Tuschnad) from 23 to 28 July.

The principle that dialogue is better than confrontation is extremely important, even under the current political circumstances. The greatest strength of the summer university is that it has always been a place of cooperation and dialogue, not confrontation and monologue, emphasized Zsolt Németh (M.)Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, at a press conference on Tuesday. There has not been such a need for rethinking and analyzing political issues for a long time. The question of war and peace will shape the coming decades and will determine not only political and public issues but also the future of the economy.

Important station of the peace mission

The response to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s “peace mission” is unique, and the turnaround in the peace narrative is clearly noticeable. It is becoming increasingly clear that a military solution is out of the question, but a diplomatic solution is required. Tusnádfürdő will be the next important stop on the “peace mission”, where Orbán will give a speech on Saturday (July 27).

Improving Hungary’s image

The idea of ​​peace alone is not enough, its realization depends on political power and influence. Therefore, the founding of the Patriots for Europe group marks a turning point in Europe. The task of the new group is to defend community, national and individual fundamental rights. With a view to the Hungarian EU Council Presidency, Németh stressed that it is particularly important to improve Hungary’s image and dispel prejudices once morest Hungarian politics.

The Hungarian proposal for a ceasefire does not serve Russian interests. Contrary to the statements of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the initiative is not aimed at a Ukrainian capitulation, but at a chance for Ukraine to become a sovereign, democratic country. The chances of this becoming worse with every day that the war drags on, Németh stressed.

#Dialogue #confrontation #Budapester #Zeitung



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