DIAGORAS-PANACHAIC EPISODES: The four observations – %term%. All sports news and news from the field of Sports – 2024-02-27 19:37:38 – 2024-02-27 19:37:38

For what happened in Rhodes before and after the game between Panachaki and Diagoras, the assigning of responsibilities has already begun and soon the apportionment will take place in order to impose the corresponding penalties.

But some observations can be made:
1) Through the internet, the topic made the “round” of Greece and very quickly, since in the age of social media the speed of spreading events is unimaginable.

2) This whole case, the ugly images, the violence, attracted the interest as a result of which a separate dimension was given in combination with the recent Sports Law Vroutsis, which provides for very strict and exterminating punishments for delinquent behavior in the stadiums.

3) In such cases, in order to draw safe conclusions, all the data must first be recorded. To examine each parameter and the particularities and then with great care to render justice.

4) Videos have already been released with some of the episodes after the end of the match and the scenes of violence, ferocity and anger in a football match of the second professional football division of Greece cause a huge impression.

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#DIAGORASPANACHAIC #EPISODES #observations #term #sports #news #news #field #Sports

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