Diablo Immortal is now available on PC – Diablo Immortal

That’s it, Diablo Immortal is available on PC. After just over a day on iOS and Android, you can now visit Sanctuary from any platform. Don’t forget to go online through your Battle.net account which will keep your progress between them.

Note: You will find on this portal all the news and pages concerning Diablo Immortal. Several will be updated or posted online over the next few days.

PC Open Beta Known Issues


  • Pressing ESC may open the Main Menu over other menus.
  • Key binds do not currently support modifier keys such as ALT, CTRL, and SHIFT.


  • General movement, interactions, and abilities may be inaccurate at times.
  • Print Screen does not currently save screenshots into the directory folder.

User Interface

  • Chat is currently missing features such as /commands, copy/paste, and select all text.
  • Windowed mode does not currently support resizing.
  • PC settings have been inserted into their respective sections within the menu and may require a bit of exploration to find.


  • Voice-to-text transcription services may not be working for certain languages.

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