Diablo 4: the beta very difficult to access

As you must know if you follow us diligently, a big name in video games will soon arrive: Diablo 4. However, before the final release of the game scheduled for June 06, 2023, Blizzard released the beast in beta over the weekend for anyone who pre-ordered the game. The problem is that being able to connect and play is much more complicated than expected.

It was many years of waiting for some and a big disappointment last night at the scheduled time for the launch of the closed beta this Friday at 5 p.m. until March 20 at 8 p.m.. This beta will only be accessible to those having pre-ordered the game, the open beta is scheduled for March 24-27. What should have been a weekend of games and fun turned into an obstacle course. Indeed, from the first minutes, endless queues (up to over an hour), sudden disconnections for those who have successfully logged in and loss of characters were on the menu for almost the entire evening. Too bad to have had so many technical problems even if, as Blizzard specifies in a press release on Twitter:

Let’s see things on the bright side: the first feedback this morning is that servers are less stressed, because there are far fewer people trying to play. It seems like a good time to be able to do it. his opinion on the first hours of gameplay that the game has to offer.

Indeed, the following parts are planned during these betas to experience in-game:

  • 5 classes including the Barbarian, Thief and Witch (first weekend access) and the Druid as well as the Necromancer in addition during the second weekend.
  • Until 10 characters different saveable on a single Blizzard account.
  • The possibility of play cooperatively in two on console and up to four online.
  • Raise his characters to the level 25. Note that the data will be erased and not recoverable at the official release.
  • Access to first narrative act of the game with story related objectives, side quests and dungeons. There will also be a gargantuan boss to defeat.

While waiting for everyone to test Diablo IV next weekend we leave you the trailer video to wait.

Blizzard is however experienced in the exercise of very popular game betas as we have seen on Overwatch 2, but still vulnerable during the first hours. Let’s bet that, beyond these inconveniences, players will be able to enjoy this preview of a game which has not finished being talked regarding in the weeks and months to come.



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