Diablo 4 character mocap cinematics leaked online

Looks like someone didn’t watch the Diablo 4 production files, so a small collection of clips showing cinematics and actors in motion capture has been leaked online. Please note that these videos may contain spoilers, so if you are afraid of details before the release, it is better to skip.

The videos were reportedly intended for internal use, which is why they look rather raw. However, hardcore fans of the series and data miners may find something interesting in them.

Diablo 4 has been in development for several years now, with a release scheduled for 2023. The game will require a constant network connection and does not support offline play. It is also known that the game will have cosmetic microtransactions and support for cross-platform play.

Cinematic #1


cinematic #2

cinematic #3

cinematic #4

cinematic #5

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