DGCT and GIZ launch a study to assess the impact of regional investments

A collaborative study between the General Directorate of Local Authorities (DGCT) and German cooperation (GIZ Morocco) will commence on Monday, August 26, to evaluate the costs associated with investments and the integration of gender considerations in Morocco’s regional development programs. This study, which is part of the “Good Financial Governance” (BGF) project, will focus on three pilot regions within the Kingdom.

This joint study, part of the BGF with financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and conducted by the DGCT, signifies a crucial step in the evaluation and enhancement of regional investments in Morocco. It aims to provide vital information to bolster financial governance and improve the effectiveness of regional development programs.

Objectives and scope of the study

The primary objective of this study is to review the programs and projects of the Regional Development Plans (RDPs) for the years 2016-2021, in order to assess their financial impact and to examine the self-financing capacity of the regions for the period 2022-2027. The study will also encompass an analysis of future financial indicators, budget planning, and management of ongoing or future projects. This assessment will focus on the following aspects:

-Analysis of the costs of past investments: Evaluation of the programs conducted in the 2016-2021 PDRs to identify actual costs and their impact.
-Review of future projects: Study of projects included in the 2022-2027 PDRs to assess their financial viability and their capacity for self-financing.
-Prospective financial analysis: Review of future financial indicators to measure liquidity availability and assess the resources and expenditures of the concerned regions.
-Project inventory: Creation of a detailed catalogue of scheduled or upcoming projects by examining project documents and associated activities.

Context of the “Good Financial Governance” project

The BGF project, officially launched in February 2021 for a duration of five years, aims to support the reform of advanced regionalization in Morocco. It provides technical assistance to eight municipalities located across three pilot regions. The project’s activities emphasize improving the financial governance of local authorities, particularly concerning own revenue, budget planning, and budget management.

The BGF is part of Morocco’s new development model (NMD) and the DGCT’s Strategic Action Plan (PAS). The project is divided into three main areas:

-Enhancement of own tax revenues: Strengthening the management of tax revenues at the municipal level.
-Transparent budget planning: Establishing the foundations for clearer and more effective investment budget planning.
-Improved budget management: Implementing budget management tools for local authorities.

Exploring Gender Integration and Financial Governance in Morocco’s Regional Development

A joint study between the General Directorate of Local Authorities (DGCT) and German cooperation (GIZ Morocco) will be launched on Monday, August 26, to analyze the costs related to investments and the integration of the gender component in Morocco’s regional development programs. This study, part of the “Good Financial Governance” (BGF) project, will focus on three pilot regions of the Kingdom.

Overview of the Joint Study

This collaborative effort, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), aims to enhance the effectiveness of regional investments by evaluating the current structure of Morocco’s regional development programs. As Morocco navigates its journey towards expansive regionalization, this study represents a critical step in improving financial governance and project efficiency.

Objectives and Scope of the Study

The main objective of this study is to review the programs and projects of the Regional Development Plans (RDPs) from 2016-2021. The focus will include assessing their financial impact and evaluating the self-financing capacity for the upcoming period of 2022-2027. The following key areas will be addressed:

  • Analysis of past investments: A thorough evaluation of projects from the 2016-2021 RDPs to identify actual costs and assess their socio-economic impact.
  • Review of future projects: Examination of initiatives outlined in the 2022-2027 RDPs to gauge their financial viability and self-financing potential.
  • Prospective financial analysis: A comprehensive review of future financial indicators, such as liquidity availability and regional resource management.
  • Project inventory: Creating a detailed record of scheduled initiatives, utilizing project documentation and associated activities.

Context of the “Good Financial Governance” Project

The BGF project, initiated in February 2021 with a five-year target, aims to bolster advanced regionalization reforms in Morocco. The project provides technical assistance to eight municipalities across three pilot regions and focuses on enhancing financial governance at the local authority level. Key project activities include:

  • Improvement of own tax revenues: Strengthening tax revenue management at the municipal level to foster financial independence.
  • Transparent budget planning: Establishing clear and effective budget frameworks for investment planning.
  • Enhanced budget management: Implementing advanced budget management tools tailored to local authorities’ needs.

Importance of Gender Integration

This study will analyze how gender considerations are integrated into regional development programs, a vital aspect for achieving sustainable development goals. By focusing on gender integration, Morocco aims to enhance local governance, ensuring that women’s perspectives and needs are acknowledged in planning and implementation processes.

Benefits of Gender Integration in Development Programs

  • Inclusive decision-making: Involving women leads to more comprehensive and representative governance.
  • Economic empowerment: Gender-focused programs can help bridge the economic gap between genders, boosting overall regional development.
  • Sustainable outcomes: Recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by women contributes to long-term project success and community resilience.

Expected Outcomes of the Study

By evaluating the financial structures underpinning Morocco’s regional development initiatives, this study is expected to produce critical insights that could influence future investment strategies. Indicative benefits from the research findings may include:

  • Enhanced financial governance frameworks ensuring effective utilization of resources.
  • Improved capacity for local authorities to self-finance projects, indicating financial health and autonomy.
  • Recommendations for integrating gender considerations that can lead to more inclusive policy-making.

Case Studies and Success Stories

To emphasize the potential impact of this study, let’s explore existing case studies where gender integration and financial governance have yielded successful outcomes:

Case Study 1: Improved Local Governance in Pilot Regions

In regions where pilot projects focusing on women’s inclusion in governance were implemented, a notable increase in community satisfaction and service delivery was reported. Local authorities became more responsive to residents’ needs, resulting in more targeted investments.

Case Study 2: Successful Revenue Management through Training

Another successful initiative involved training local authority staff in financial management and budgeting. This investment in human capacity resulted in increased local tax revenues and a better understanding of budgetary processes, which directly benefited ongoing and future projects.

Practical Tips for Effective Financial Governance

For local authorities aiming to improve their financial governance, consider the following actionable steps:

  • Engage with community members: Regularly solicit feedback from the community to ensure that projects meet local needs.
  • Implement technology: Utilize financial management software to enhance budgeting and reporting accuracy.
  • Invest in training: Provide continuous educational opportunities for staff in financial governance and management.

Future Financial Indicators and Their Importance

The study will also develop a set of prospective financial indicators tailored for the evaluation of regional projects going forward. These indicators will be crucial for:

  • Monitoring the financial health of local governments over time.
  • Facilitating proactive budget planning and management, ensuring sustainability.
  • Providing benchmarks for assessing the effectiveness of gender-inclusive policy initiatives.
Indicator Description Importance
Liquidity Ratio Measures the ability of a region to meet short-term obligations. Indicates financial stability and liquidity management.
Tax Revenue Growth Tracks the increase in local tax revenues year-on-year. Reflects the effectiveness of local revenue generation strategies.
Project Completion Rate Percentage of projects completed on time and within budget. Measures the efficiency of project management practices.

Conclusion: A Step Towards Sustainable Development

As this joint study unfolds, it promises to pave the way for sustainable regional development in Morocco. By emphasizing financial governance and gender integration, Morocco is striving to create a more equitable and prosperous society. Stakeholders from various sectors will undoubtedly benefit from the insights generated, which will inform effective policies and actionable strategies for regional improvements.



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