Devoted Dog Stays by Owner’s Grave: A Heartwarming Tale of Loyalty and Love

2023-06-27 15:43:34

A dog moved everyone in the networks for spending day and night next to its owner’s grave. The dramatic scene took place in a cemetery in the city of Saltillo, in the state of Coahuila (northeast Mexico), where the animal does not leave the place where his master is buried, in the Panteón Los Pinos.

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According to the “Nmás” program, on the Televisa network, the dog lives and sleeps every day next to the grave and the cemetery guards said that it has been there since its owner died and was buried.

The conductor of the cycle, Sofía Escobosa, explained “from experience” that, if someone in the family dies, “it is important that the puppy has the opportunity to sniff it, because that way they know that that person is not going to return” and, in this way They don’t wait for it.

In this case, the animal’s loyalty to its master reminded many in the networks of the story of Hachiko, the Japanese dog that waited for its owner for nine years at the train station where he received it.

The animal does not leave the place where it was buried.

A dog saved its owner’s life by licking her face

A red Labrador retriever saved his owner’s life when he realized she was having seizures and was running out of breath, so he licked her face and saved her from drowning.

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Moose, the pet of Leanne Reed, a 22-year-old British girl, realized that her owner was in danger of life, and that led him to lick her face and nose to make her react and help her breathe again. The dog had been trained for cases like that.

The young woman suffers from epileptic seizures several times a day and acknowledged that she could have died if Moose did not lick her.

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