“Devil Busters: Future Life” film review: a sequel that highlights the inheritance of generations | Ghostbusters: Afterlife | Ghostbusters: Afterlife |

[Epoch Times December 31, 2021]The comedy movie “Devil Buster” with the theme of catching ghosts has gone through three works before. The new “Devil Buster: Future Life“(Ghostbusters: Afterlife) is an authentic sequel to the two previous works in the 1980s. The film has continued the worldview well and successfully succeeded the new characters. As far as the overall level is concerned, it is enough to continue the good reputation of the previous work.

The background of the story is that Kelly, the mother of the two brothers and sisters Phoebe, is facing financial difficulties, so the family of three had to move to the old country house of the late grandfather during the summer vacation. However, in this old house, there are many ghost hunters hidden. Equipped to make Grandpa come to the surface as a ghost-catching hero in the past. In the process, apart from becoming familiar with ghost catching tools, Phoebe and Cuifo also discovered that all kinds of ghosts are about to threaten the safety of mankind. Whether the new generation headed by them can successfully carry the mantle of their predecessors has naturally become the key to overcoming the crisis. .

Devil Buster: Future Life“Stills. (Provided by Sony Pictures)

In the first scene of the movie, through the actions of a mysterious man, the main feature of this series of works is “catching ghosts”, creating a sense of mystery and dramatic tension, whether it is the pursuit of ghosts and the use of ghost catching equipment. The possible variables of the task can effectively add suspense to the plot. Although the identity of the man has not been revealed for the first time, it can play a major role in the development of the story in the future.

The situation of a family of three is well characterized

“Devil Buster: Future Life” can also bring good appreciation to the situation of the protagonist’s family. The drama of a family of three who just debuted can give a concise and powerful interpretation of the economic problems. The situation of moving to the grandfather’s home in the future can further deepen the economic problems through the extreme dilapidation of the house itself. The process more indirectly reflects the estranged relationship between the three people and their grandfather. In addition to being an important foreshadowing, the dual blessing of economic and interpersonal relationships also makes the personal background of the family of three more story-telling.

“Devil Buster: Future World” stills. (Provided by Sony Pictures)

The personal characteristics of the heroine Phoebe are also clearly reflected in the first half of the presentation. From her debut, she has been able to shape her intelligence beyond the children of her age through her life behavior. The plots of the summer classes in the future will further deepen her characteristics of science and engineering genius, and she is like a “science sister.” The aspect that he is not good at telling jokes and often makes jokes cold can also effectively enhance the fun of the character and help deepen his personal image.

With many supporting roles appearing in turn, the interpretation of the film also has an excellent texture. The lines of Phoebe’s male classmate “Podcast” when he first appeared on the stage can clearly show his funny personality, and his rivalry with Phoebe can quickly spark the spark of friendship and lay the foundation for future cooperation and shared difficulties between the two. The male teacher Gary is a teacher who will never be too rigid. He can effectively establish a fun image between words and deeds. His rivalry with Phoebe’s family has allowed the fate to be properly shaped and his relationship with his parent, Kylie. , To become a branch line with development potential.

“Devil Buster: Future World” stills. (Provided by Sony Pictures)

Regarding how you can get involved in the adventure of catching ghosts, the arrangement of “Devil Buster: Future Life” can also be called a success. The trivial element of chess in the grandfather’s old house is properly used. The chess pieces themselves are different from the normal aspect, which can effectively render the mysterious atmosphere and promote Phoebe’s discovery of abnormal conditions.

In the future, a number of equipment will appear one by one, which can also be called a step-by-step process, which can create an exploration atmosphere where important items are gradually discovered, and the old equipment can be used to enhance the nostalgic feelings. The two brothers and sisters have also gained some success in the discovery of equipment. For the plot construction of related aspects, there are two more story branches as the adventurous process advances, and finally converges into one texture.

“Devil Buster: Future World” stills. (Provided by Sony Pictures)

The scene of catching ghosts shows excellent appreciation

For the unfolding of the ghost hunting adventure, the interpretation of this film can also reflect the different characteristics of the watch. A drama jointly conducted by Phoebe, podcasts, and Gary can have a certain dramatic tension in special effects and serve as a prelude to the ghost hunting adventure. As far as the value of the plot is concerned, it also played a preliminary role in the outbreak of the ghost raging crisis again after many years.

Phoebe, podcast, and urging the Buddha to play the scene of trying to catch ghosts for the first time. It is a time-consuming and laborious adventure. The ups and downs in the process can clearly reflect the lack of experience of the new generation of children in catching ghosts and the guidance of teachers. The final success of cooperating to catch ghosts can also show that they are still available, and they have achieved a balance between reality and potential. In the process, the creation of scenes, the use of equipment, and the blessing of special effects were appropriately brought into play. The value of “catching ghost cars” was effectively reflected in the process, allowing the tool to add value to the movie.

“Devil Buster: Future World” stills. (Provided by Sony Pictures)

The initial cry of the action of catching ghosts finally brought a certain turning point. The scene can be combined with the troubles caused during the task, and it demonstrates the reality that any behavior has certain consequences. At the same time, the new situation in the process led to a bold attempt by Phoebe. This attempt played a significant role in deepening the positioning and background of the grandpa’s corner, and brought the key to the important aspects of the past two previous works. The effect, in terms of the plot, is effectively consistent with the previous one, and allows the old feelings to be further carried forward and laid out in the future.

In the second half of the story, “Devil Buster: Future Life” can use the different situations of adult characters to exaggerate the atmosphere that the crisis is further heating up. Teacher Gary’s experience in the supermarket has laid a solid foundation for the full-scale rampage of ghosts. In the process, it can create a huge contrast through the image and destructive power of ghosts, which has a warning meaning to remind people not to be deceived by cute appearances. In addition, the situation of Gary and his mother, Kelly, can also strengthen the sense of tension through a high-threat ghost, making it important to watch how Phoebe and the Buddha rescue them.

“Devil Buster: Future World” stills. (Provided by Sony Pictures)

As far as the characterization of the final battle is concerned, the film has a superior level. Phoebe’s jokes are always regarded as the character traits of cold jokes, and now accidents play an important role; the rescue operation is half done, and it also gives more help to the second half of the war. The details of the subsequent decisive battles will play a major role in echoing the presentation of the first scene. In the process, the actual value of the grandpa’s many heritage can be meaningfully embodied, and various potential elements can be used as much as possible.

The final battle shows the meaning and warmth of inheritance

The success of the battle has allowed you to contribute a certain amount of effort in the process, and the old feelings of the first two episodes have now become a major selling point, making the meaning of the final battle not only limited to evil, but also the meaning of inheritance from generation to generation. . The role aspect of the late grandpa plays a reasonable role in the plot at this time in a form that conforms to the tonality of the film, and makes the content of parent-child relationship a warm current, so that in addition to the dramatic tension of the battle between good and evil, the ending also also Can have emotional temperature.

After the frustration of the relaunch of “Devil Buster” in 2016, the latest “Devil Buster: Future Life” is expected to bring the series out of the low ebb. The new character of the film can support the story and at the same time give the elements of the two previous works of the 1980s Get the performance that meets the worth, and let this brand new sequel play the value of generations, I believe it will be enough to lay a good foundation for future sequels. ◇

“Devil Buster: Future World” stills. (Provided by Sony Pictures)

Editor in charge: Huang Shanni


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