Development of antiviral substances to counter coronavirus mutations

Seoul National University Professor Park Seung-beom’s research team
Opening the possibility of a panacea

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COVID-19, which had been largely forgotten due to its endemic status, is experiencing a resurgence. The new coronavirus variant, KP.3, is driving this uptick. A domestic research team has developed an antiviral agent effective against such mutations. This agent targets a protein known as ‘Nsp1’ and has been shown to possess a broad spectrum of antiviral effects against various mutations. It is considered to have increased the possibility of creating a universal treatment for continuously mutating viruses.

The research team led by Professor Park Seung-beom from the Department of Chemistry at Seoul National University announced on the 15th that their findings were published in the international academic journal ‘Angewandte Chemie International Edition’ on the 12th. Angewandte Chemie is a leading journal in the field of chemistry.

The coronavirus, which emerged in late 2019, continues to mutate. These mutations diminish the effectiveness of existing vaccines and treatments. Vaccines and treatments are designed to target specific proteins or cells, and a mutated target resembles one that has vanished. It is akin to shooting an arrow at a target that is no longer there, rendering vaccines and treatments ineffective.

The research team focused on creating an antiviral agent that would be effective against various mutations and identified the Nsp1 protein. Nsp1 is crucial for the efficient replication and pathogenicity of the coronavirus in human cells, its host. This protein exhibits a high degree of amino acid sequence conservation, indicating that significant mutations are rare.

The antiviral agent developed by the research team acts as an inhibitor of this Nsp1 protein. It directly attaches to the Nsp1 protein, hindering its ability to suppress the host cell’s translation process. When this function is inhibited, the immune response of the host cell, which is suppressed by the Nsp1 protein, can be reactivated. This suggests that the replication of the coronavirus can be obstructed through the body’s immune response. Professor Park Seung-beom stated, “This is the first time that an antiviral substance targeting the Nsp1 protein has been developed.”

The research team anticipates that this developed agent could lead to a treatment for coronavirus that remains effective against various mutations. Among the currently available coronavirus antiviral drugs, none have been specifically designed to target the virus. For example, ‘Remdesivir’, originally developed for Ebola, exemplifies drug repurposing where the intention of an existing treatment was altered.

Typically, after identifying a therapeutic substance, it takes around 5 to 7 years to develop a viable treatment through clinical trials and other processes. The research team is investigating various opportunities, including collaborations with pharmaceutical companies, for further development. This agent has already been patented. Professor Park remarked, “This presents a new paradigm for the development of antiviral agents,” adding that “It will serve as an effective treatment for easily mutating viruses beyond COVID-19.”

[Reporter Go Jae-won]

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Revolutionary Antiviral Research at Seoul National University: The Promise of a Panacea

Introduction to the Research Breakthrough

Seoul National University Professor Park Seung-beom’s research team
Opening the possibility of a panacea

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Understanding COVID-19 Resurgence

COVID-19, which was momentarily forgotten during its transition to endemicity, is witnessing a resurgence, driven by the emergence of a new coronavirus variant known as KP.3. In response to this uptick, a domestic research team has innovatively developed an antiviral substance that showcases effectiveness against these new mutations.

Key Highlights of the Research

  • The antiviral substance targets a protein known as Nsp1.
  • It has demonstrated a broad range of antiviral effects, enhancing prospects for universal treatments.
  • Findings were published in the prestigious journal ‘Angewandte Chemie International Edition’.

The Role of Nsp1: A Target for Treatment

The team’s research focuses on Nsp1, a critical protein maintaining effective replication and pathogenicity of coronaviruses within human host cells. Notably, Nsp1 exhibits a high conservation rate in its amino acid sequence, meaning it is less prone to mutations.

Mechanism of Action

The developed antiviral substance acts as an inhibitor, binding directly to the Nsp1 protein and inhibiting its function. This is crucial because Nsp1 suppresses the host cell’s translation process. By inhibiting Nsp1’s function, the immune response of the host cells can be reactivated, thereby preventing coronavirus replication through the body’s natural defenses.

Innovative Antiviral Development

Professor Park Seung-beom shared, “This is the first time that an antiviral substance targeting the Nsp1 protein has been developed.” This breakthrough approach may soon contribute to a more effective treatment regimen for various coronavirus strains.

Future of Antiviral Treatments

Currently, antiviral agents targeting coronaviruses are limited. This newly developed inhibitor can potentially lead to therapies that only target the virus itself, differing from existing treatments that have been repurposed, such as Remdesivir, initially designated for Ebola virus treatment.

Development Timeline and Collaboration

Typically, the path from discovery to therapeutic application spans 5 to 7 years, often involving extensive clinical trials. The research team is committed to exploring collaborative efforts with pharmaceutical companies to expedite the development process. The innovative antiviral substance has already been patented, setting the stage for future advancements.

Implications for Future Viral Treatments

Professor Park emphasized, “This presents a new paradigm for the development of antiviral agents.” He indicated that the findings could extend beyond COVID-19, offering effective treatments for viruses that are prone to mutation.

Antiviral Substance Development: A Case Study

As part of the advancement in antiviral research, it’s essential to look at how previous antiviral strategies have unfolded:

Year Treatment Target Virus Development Type
2020 Remdesivir Ebola Drug Repurposing
2023 Nsp1 Inhibitor COVID-19 Original Development

Benefits of Targeting Nsp1 for Antiviral Agents

  • Broad Spectrum Activity: Targeting a conserved protein increases the likelihood of efficacy against multiple variants.
  • Reactivating Immune Responses: Enhancing the host’s immune response may offer a strategic advantage in combating viral infections.
  • Innovation in Drug Development: This new approach can lead to unique therapeutic options for rapid deployment in emergent viral outbreaks.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

The research team at Seoul National University, under the guidance of Professor Park Seung-beom, continues to lay the foundation for groundbreaking antiviral treatments that may reshape how we approach viral infections, particularly in an era where mutations are commonplace. With promising initial results and plans for collaboration, the future of antiviral therapy looks hopeful.

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